← Return to DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) or Forestier's

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I’m glad you came to the site and go back and take a look at many of the posts about this disease. Praying for you.

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Replies to "I’m glad you came to the site and go back and take a look at many..."

Thank you @dishpain Not too much information around but Mayo nailed it! Excellent forum. I had my second severe “flare” at Walmart. Headache, neck, jaw, shoulder tightness, both arms numb and chills/goose flesh. Left my cart and went home to lay on a hot pad. Worked with ibuprofen, lyrics, tizanidine. I have a question for you: im the only one that noted this on my films CT/MRI. I spoke with the resident in detail (Excellent) but DISH wasn’t even mentioned. The reports came out during the night which showed several cervical and thoracic vertebrae with anterior ossification. I work IT from home and this really beats the tar out of me.

Can I ask your latest adventures? What meds work for you? Should I ask for tramadol?