Excruciating pain from cervical (C7/T1) radiculopathy

Posted by mlerin @mlerin, Nov 4, 2019

I've been in excruciating pain in the right shoulder and throughout the arm and hand for months. MRI diagnosis is C7/T1 and C6-C7 severe foraminal narrowing and stenosis. Had a cervical epidural injection last Thursday and so far no relief. Is prolotherapy or PRP a good option? Any other non-surgical treatments out there that actually work?

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Thank you so much!! I didn't even know Mayo JAX had a Spine Center. How awesome!


Thank you so much!! I didn't even know Mayo JAX had a Spine Center. How awesome!

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@tallyteresa It sounds like you have already had a consult on your cervical spine and were told about fusing 4 disc levels that had bone spurs? Is that right? I presume that you will get another opinion at Mayo in Jacksonville?

You may get a different recommendation with a different surgeon. Can you share some details about your condition?


@lebanon100 Thank you for asking. You can copy and paste my comments into something like Word and print them out to take to your doctor. You may want to print out some of the information in the links if you need it for reference. Doctors may not have a lot of time, so have a priority list that is most important for your questions. The doctor will need to explain something he suggests doing, so it's OK if you are unfamiliar with it ahead of time. If the doctor doesn't have enough time for your questions, the PA assistant can take more time to explain. Take all the time you need for decisions and get other opinions if surgery is suggested. You can always return for a follow up appointment if you need further discussion with your doctor.


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I finally had my MRIs today, one on thorax, one on lower spine. I already have the results and would like to share them with you, Jennifer. Is there a way that I can fax them to you or is there another way?
Thank you, Diana


I finally had my MRIs today, one on thorax, one on lower spine. I already have the results and would like to share them with you, Jennifer. Is there a way that I can fax them to you or is there another way?
Thank you, Diana

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@lebanon100 No need to fax anything. If you wanted to retype the report here, that is fine. You can also take a cell phone photo and include that in a post, but do cover up your personal information like your name, birth date, facility or doctor's names, etc.

When do you meet with your provider to discuss the results?


Possibly this week.
He's been ill with covid and has cancelled appointments. Mine hasn't been cancelled, so I'm supposing that my appointment with him this week still stands
Thanks for your speedy reply, Jennifer. By tomorrow or the next day, I'll take a cell phone photo to post. I'm not very good at it. 🙂


Possibly this week.
He's been ill with covid and has cancelled appointments. Mine hasn't been cancelled, so I'm supposing that my appointment with him this week still stands
Thanks for your speedy reply, Jennifer. By tomorrow or the next day, I'll take a cell phone photo to post. I'm not very good at it. 🙂

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Hello, Here are the findings from the two MRIs I had yesterday on my thoracic spine and on my lumbar spine. Jennifer, I would appreciate your comments about them. I don't know how severe the findings are and what my next steps might be. Although I have a good doctor, he is very busy and declines to take the time to explain things. I feel anxious about that.

There is an accentuated thoracic spine kyphosis.
There is degenerative disc disease at the mid thoracic levels.
No compressive fracture or subluxation is identified.
The overall marrow signal characteristics are unremarkable.
The sagittal T2 count images demonstrate degenerative disc disease. with mild spur disc complexes at C4-C-7
Axial images:
T6/T7: There is a central and right central disc protrusion with mild superior migration compressing the sac and producing mild flattening of the spinal chord.
Much smaller disc protrusions are identified at the T6-T10 levels without cord compression.
no cord edema or syrinx is seen. No foraminal stenosis is seen.
There is mild levo scoliosis.
Heights of the vertebral bodies and the overall marrow signal characteristics are unremarkable.
The distal spinal cord is in normal position with normal signal.
There is moderate to advanced degenerative disc disease at L4-L5 with disc space narrowing eccentric to the right, degenerative marrow endplate signal changes with very mild anterolisthesis.
There is moderate to advanced degenerative disc disease at L5-S1, greater towards the left.
There is mild to moderate degenerative disc disease at L2-L4 and there is very mild retrolisthesis at L2-L3.
Axial images:
T12-L2: No disc protrusion, spinal canal or foraminal stenosis.
Mild degenerative facet disease is seen at L1-L2.
L2-L3: Degenerative changes of the facet joints are noted bilaterally with very mild indentation of thecal sac.
There is very mild broad-based bulging disc with very mild flattening of thecal sac.
No foraminal stenosis.
L3-L4: Same as above.
L4-L5: Degenerative changes of the facet joints and ligamentum flavum thickening is seen bilaterally with mild flattening of thecal sac.
There is mild broad-based bulging disc with mild flattening of thecal sac and extends into the neural foramen on the right and mildly compresses the exiting right L4 nerve root.
There is mild compression of the intradural right L5 nerve root. There is mild compression of the intradural right L5 nerve root as it is starting to exit out of the thecal sac.
L5-S1: Mild degenerative changes of the facet joints are noted bilaterally. Very mild broad-based bulging disc is identified abutting the S1 nerve roots bilaterally and extending into the inferior neural foramen on the left abutting the exiting left L5 nerve root.

Small Tarlov cysts are present involving the S1 and S2 sacral nerves.
A few scattered small cortical renal cysts are seen within the kidneys bilaterally.

1. T6-T7 demonstrates a central and right central disc protrusion with mild superior migration producing a mild flattening of the spinal cord.
2. Mild levoscoliosis of the lower lumbar soine. Degenerative disc disease is seen at the L2-S1 levels, greatest at L4-S1.
3. Degenerative changes of the facet joints and bulging discs at the L2-S1 levels, greatest at L4 - S1 as described.


I have severe c4-c5 and c6-c7 foraminal stenosis with spurs. I had severe radiculopathy on right side radiating down to shoulder and rib cage, bicep and fingers. Was treated with steroids and nsaid in ER then sent to PM. He placed me on Gabapentin and Tramadol. Gaba made me suicidal so we stopped. Today we did cervical ESI so fat no radiating pain, maybe just give it time.


I recently posted about my experiences with realizing that I have (99% probability) cervical radiculopathy, plus possible ulnar nerve damage that causes pain and tingling from my neck down to my right hand. All fingers are affected, but mostly my thumb and index finger.

But the most pain I have is in my shoulder. I have assumed this was related to the neuropathy, but then I realized that the amount and intensity is almost the same as when I had a rotator cuff injury from playing tennis... probably at least 15 years ago. But I have not done anything like that to cause that problem to recur.

Does this sound to anyone here like it is part of the nerve issues? Has anyone with C6/7 nerve pain had shoulder pain?



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I have c4 thru C7 severe foraminal stenosis. My pain is only on my right side, extends to my right ribcage and right arm and thumb and index finger. I was treated in the ER with Decadron, Valium and Percoet as it got so bad. Put on 40 mg Prednosone for 5 days with nsaids. Referred to PAin Management DR. He tried me on Gabapentin but it made me severely depressed. Moved forward to Cervical ESI yesterday, he wants me to start Lyrica 25 mg twice a day and Celebrex 100 mg twice a day, Have not started them yet, waiting to see what the ESI does as the effects usually take 3-5 days.


I have c4 thru C7 severe foraminal stenosis. My pain is only on my right side, extends to my right ribcage and right arm and thumb and index finger. I was treated in the ER with Decadron, Valium and Percoet as it got so bad. Put on 40 mg Prednosone for 5 days with nsaids. Referred to PAin Management DR. He tried me on Gabapentin but it made me severely depressed. Moved forward to Cervical ESI yesterday, he wants me to start Lyrica 25 mg twice a day and Celebrex 100 mg twice a day, Have not started them yet, waiting to see what the ESI does as the effects usually take 3-5 days.

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Sorry you are in so much pain. I have basically learned to live with my (still) constant pain and numbness from my spine. I do not want to be on any meds unless I have no choice.
I now have more serious problems, such as stage 3 melanoma, which I just had removed 2 weeks ago...
Perhaps there are those whose spine issues such as yours and mine do get relief from surgery, but my C3-C6 ACDF did not help me.


Sorry you are in so much pain. I have basically learned to live with my (still) constant pain and numbness from my spine. I do not want to be on any meds unless I have no choice.
I now have more serious problems, such as stage 3 melanoma, which I just had removed 2 weeks ago...
Perhaps there are those whose spine issues such as yours and mine do get relief from surgery, but my C3-C6 ACDF did not help me.

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So sorry to hear of your melanoma, thats a tough one. My is significantly better so far thank God. I also try to avoid all meds!

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