I have ovarian cancer

Posted by joannedb @joannedb, Jul 1, 2016

Hi I'm Joanne. New to this group and I have Ovarian Cancer. Looking to connect with others with OVC.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Gynecologic Cancers Support Group.


Thank you! What's your name? Wow - three times, but you're still doing OK? Yes, I'm seeing a gynecologic oncologist next week, and absolutely all the symptoms you describe - the bloating is the most difficult, I look pregnant, and the pressure is terrible. Pelvic pain like bad menstrual cramps. Peeing CONSTANTLY, and not always able to stop the flow in time. I get hungry, but am definitely eating less, yet gaining weight. I've put on 4-5 pounds this month, but I'm guessing that's the ascites. Mostly I'm terrified of what lies ahead. I don't handle pain well, and I know there's a lot of it in store for me. Has this forum been helpful to you?

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This is a good beginning forum. I encourage you to check out Share - https://www.sharecancersupport.org/
They have all kinds of info a support groups. Also, the Clearity Foundation - https://www.clearityfoundation.org/. Groups are usually led by qualified therapists. Also, free counseling is available and decision making help too. I was Stage 1C Clear Cell Epithelial Cancer. Know the type of cancer you have. There's a good question list to ask the doctor at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/ovarian-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/talking-with-doctor.html. You are your best advocate. Become knowledgeable, connect with a support group, do your homework. I am in Colorado and connected with the Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance. Ocrahope is the national alliance.


I am @cipnsue. I strongly encourage you to become your advocate. Know the type of Ovarian Cancer you have - I am Stage 1C of Clear Cell Ovarian Cancer. Use resources such as: Ocrahope (the national OC org) and sharecancersupport.org and the Clearity Foundation to educate yourself on OC. These groups also have support groups and educational videos available for OC gynoncs. With my last cancer I was given a list of chemos to choose from and I went to the Clearity Foundation who helped me get molecular profiling (which requires a tissue sample from surgery). They sent it to 3 labs and came back with gemcitabine. I had carbo/taxol the first 2xs and it did not work and during the 2nd cancer I went into anaphylactic shock. Put on your armor of knowledge and go girl!

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