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My wife has autoimmune disease (Sjogrens, Hashimotos and Lupus). Her PCP saw symptoms like dry eyes, dry mouth and enlarged glands (did an xray and determined her salivary glands were enlarged). Also did bloodwork and found high C-reactive protein and SED rate. She was referred to a rheumatologist. Long story short, she had years of temporary flare-ups until December of 2022. Then she had terrible inflammatory pain in groin, legs, arms and shoulders. Her rheumy tried one round of steroids, which didn't work. She went through 7 images (CT-scans, MRI and bone scans. She saw an emergency room doctor, orthopedic surgeon, neurologist and pain management doctor with no relief. Finally, her PCP (not the original one) said she was putting her on another steroid regime of 20mg prednisone per day and that worked. Hoping and praying you get some relief. God Bless

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Replies to "My wife has autoimmune disease (Sjogrens, Hashimotos and Lupus). Her PCP saw symptoms like dry eyes,..."

I went through the same thing in March. My rheumatologist diagnosed me with Polymylagia Rheumatica (PMR). The protocol is prednisone, and it’s the only thing that helps.

I would see a good naturopathic doctor. They run more lab tests. I would eliminate wheat and dairy and sweets. Start with one and see if it makes any difference. Sometimes eliminating meat make a difference as well.