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Did you know that the NIH and many other institutions started trialing PAXLOVID on Jan. 23rd, 2023 to see if it had any impact on LONG COVID, which many... thousands and thousands believe will be is own "autoimmune" someday.
Using Pax as a long course treatment and not just the 5 days... but a 15 day course do to exactly what you described. Covid is said, can reactivate "flare" other autoimmune conditions and viruses in patients...HIV, herpes, lupus, shingles. Sjogrens, SPS, etc etc.
I was never dx with an autoimmune disease before contracting Covid and getting that Vaccine (which is still a spike protein)...SPIKE is spike! My body, my immune system reacted violently to both. I now have been diagnosed with 5 autoimmune diseases. We are discussing doing the Paxlovid trial protocol on me just to try and see if it helps. I would love to drive, think, eat, walk, be intimate with my spouse, manage my own money, WORK... again.
Mayo Clinic has a long covid clinic....I was treated dismissively and inappropriately because I couldn't afford to travel, stay in a hotel for 30 days, supply all my own food, have my spouse miss work for a month (because I can't manage day to day activities solely on my own). It took 24 specialists at Mayo, $500k in claims before they referred me to their long covid and within one day the Long covid clinic doctor said YOU HAVE LONG COVID.
So, advocate for yourself...push you doctor to read on LC and vaccine injury. If Paxlovid worked like that temporarily, see if they'll do their due diligence and prescribe the 15 day protocol. It may not fix your autoimmune disease but it may clear the 'viral persistence' of Covid19 in you which can only help your immune system. Goodluck.

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Replies to "Did you know that the NIH and many other institutions started trialing PAXLOVID on Jan. 23rd,..."


Yale has a research study to test whether 15 days of Paxlovid, compared with placebo, can improve the health of people living with Long COVID. You may contact them to see if you may participate. Information and their email address 👇🏻:
