They’ll review any/all of the relevant medical records you can bring with you from home. In my experience, they would not order unnecessary testing/exams and even if they recommend something you’re not comfortable with doing, you can always discuss and decline with the providers.
I brought all my test results with me, and for any imaging make sure to bring discs with the actual imaging so your team at Mayo can view them.
In my situation, they had prescheduled some testing that would have been more difficult to schedule, and I was concerned because I really didn’t want to repeat those specific tests or feel pressured to do so. It turned out I had nothing to worry about because they agreed it wasn’t necessary to repeat them.
Some things that could change might need to be repeated (blood tests, for example) or benefit your assessment to repeat them, but I found no one wanted me to repeat things unnecessarily.
Just make sure to bring the actual records/tests, and not just the reports from home. All the best to you!
I never had to brought any copies of any scans etc. if your current medical team uses Epic all tests/scans will be there for them to see digitally in your portal. Or they can go find them. It speeds everything up tremendously. My Drs from home can also see all my Mayo tests and scans. So really no need to physically bring anything in anymore.