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I have the positive ANA and several of those symptoms and when I tried going off gluten my tiredness and joint pain went away. I'm now being tested for celiac disease. I don't know what I'll do next if that's not the answer. Doctors don't seem concerned but I've been dealing with the numbness, itchy skin and hives for the past 10 years without answers and now the joint pain and tiredness make sitting at my desk and working everyday almost impossible. I can't afford to stop working. I would remove gluten from your diet for 1 month and see if that helps any. I've had to eat gluten for a month to do the testing, but will go off it again after the tests even if they're negative for celiac because it improved my worst symptoms. Taking Claritin every day helps the hives and the leftover itchiness is manageable. I don't do some things as much because of the numbness but it's not debilitating.

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Replies to "I have the positive ANA and several of those symptoms and when I tried going off..."

Fourteen years ago I went to a rheumatologist because of inflammation in my hands after getting H1N1. He was going to put me on a spate of medicines. I went off gluten to see if that helped; my GI problems cleared in a few days, my hands in one months and my skin rashes in ~8 months. So I didn't do the meds. Even if you have a negative celiac test(s), you can still have that or food(s) intolerance. My tests were all negative (mostly because the GI screwed up), but I do have celiac. I also have numbness from MGUS neuropathy. If you haven't tried an elimination diet to see if you have other food sensitivities, it is good to try, and keep a food log.