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Good afternoon @della74. This is @artscaping, also known as Chris. I see that @rwinney introduced us. So…..greetings and welcome to the world of medical cannabis. It has been my go to for pain control for 10 years. When you complete your process, I will be happy to help you in any way I can, I don’t know in what state you reside. However, the key for me was to find a dispensary with educated staff who can help you with purposeful and acceptable options,

May you be safe, protected and free from inner and outer harm.

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Replies to "Good afternoon @della74. This is @artscaping, also known as Chris. I see that @rwinney introduced us...."

Thank you so much for reaching out to me directly😊.

I did meet with the doctor in our medical group that deals with processing referred patients. My primary care physician had supported my considering cannibis; she is so aware of my pain history, and how the traumatic fall two years ago has added to my ongoing pain syndrome.

So I did get the required and official "approval" ID, and list of certified/registered pharmacies/suppliers. Our adult daughter, who has also suffered from pain since her late teens and was diagnosed in late 30's with ankylosing spondylitis, was recently approved also. She assured me that I could arrange a phone consult, eliminating the drive to the rather distal dispensaries. Our daughter said delivery was possible with the dispensary that she chose. I'll be making that call today.
To be honest, I am nervous about using the MM. I've researched via sites such as Mayo Clinic, Harvard, St. John's U., and other reputable sites. My biggest concerns: I deal with glaucoma and high blood pressure issues. And I'm having thermal abrasion on left leg to deal with collapsed valves that have plagued me for years. I learned that one must avoid MM before any surgery. Will be interesting to see what my vascular cardiologist will come up with as far as pain suppressor. I can't take ANY of them, not codeine, tramadol, or morphine, and a string of others. His nurse said he normally would give valium "to take the edge off." I had been prescribed decades ago, and the effects were unpleasant to say the least. So, No. I plan to speak with him this week. Surgery is at end of this current month. I was supposed to have the procedure VenaSeal but was ruled out since I have latex allergy. Never a dull moment...

Gracias for your willingness to be a contact/source as I navigate this new path in my journey.
Will keep in touch.🌺

I live in MN and am in their medical cannabis program since last year. I have fibromyalgia and insomnia and was hopeful cannabis would help but I've not been able to find what works. The staff at the dispensary's won't give advice on products, you have to make an appt with a pharmacist. I've spoken to a few of them but none have been able to help me much. The product line in MN is limited, only one company is approved. They have one sleep gummy which helps a little. I tried some CBD and THC capsules for pain, but didn't get much relief from either. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.