← Return to Internal trembling/shakiness, nerve pain - Gabapentin? Please help

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Hi to all. First I hope this is received in kind light intended as I just had another brain mri where you are not suppose to move yet I have my random spasms, stabbing pains with lovely electrical jolt feeling/falling/ spinning- head to toe . .
Common issue seems to be our bodies are so easily exhausted/overstimulated that our nervous system and cellular level needs resetting. Literally setting alarms for consistent nutritional small meals every couple of hours, closing eyes and doing absolutely nothing couple of minutes each hour with other time minimal task pacing and journaling to determine your particular triggers whether food, hours off your feet needed, sleep or not☹️, brain stressors like phone calls, appointments, bill paying. . . Literally only doing one thing a day and slowly adding each week to determine your “activity “ threshhold and not overdo creating constant setbacks and daunting symptoms like shortness of breath from just a wheelchair ride to doctor appointment. Breathing exercises, like meditation and box breathing, seem to really help reset nervous system and maneuver the anxiety our bodies symptoms create. Know its not easy to adapt to these extreme daily challenges so hopeful these techniques can help create a more manageable daily life to enable the slow and steady healing for our full recovery🌈 Best to all!

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Replies to "Hi to all. First I hope this is received in kind light intended as I just..."

Hello there @law59, such insightfulness you bring to the central nervous system and the importance of resetting. You explained the tools of moderation and modification quite well in your examples. These are tools the Mayo Pain Rehabilitation Center teaches. What stood out to me as being wise and helpful were setting alarms for small meals every couple of hours, rest breaks, journaling (you say triggers - also recommended for gratitude or stress release), graded exposure = adding activity or sensor triggers slowly and paced to help determine threshold and find plateaus, not overdoing or as the Mayo Pain Rehab calls it, "Push/Crash", self-care and calming strategies like meditation and proper breathing techniques...my goodness the list goes on!

Here is a conversation you may be interested in -

Moderation and Modification - How can it help your chronic pain? -

- You really nailed it with your guidance and support for members like @summerof1942, and @cud1916. Many thanks for paying forward what helps you manage daily life despite chronic challenges. We often can not control the wind, but we can adjust the sails - mindset can be one of our best tools.

What techniques have you found helpful for sleep hygiene? What do you find helpful for distraction from symptoms?