Has anyone improved bone density without meds?

Posted by naomid @naomid, Mar 21, 2023

I have a very problematic dental history and will continue to need additional root canals and implants. I also have Sjogren's Syndrome and want to avoid any drugs that cause rheumatic symptoms. Other issues in my health history make all of the meds risky for me. That said, I work out almost daily, lift weights, maintain a healthy diet, take all the recommended supplements, and get most of my calcium nutritionally. My endocrinologist wants me to take an infusion/injectable drug. I dread the side-effects, yet I'm afraid of fracturing, which hasn't happened over the many years I have had osteoporosis. That said, my numbers are getting worse (-3.2 spine, -3.1 hip). I need to do something more than I've been doing, and am at a loss. I need hope and solutions I can be at peace with. Thanks for any comments or suggestions!

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Hi, everyone! I’m 56, post-menopausal and can’t tolerate dairy much anymore. I’m now having some inflammation, bone pain and brain fogginess, dizzy and not feeling great, low mood, inflammation. I think I need to supplement with calcium citrate. Also, maybe I can tolerate Greek yogurt? I’m going to do some more weight bearing exercises, cut out sugar. Anyone else in the same boat? Should I also keep taking my hormone creams? They seem to help a little still. Thanks! Sending you all healing ❤️‍🩹 energy and prayers.


Have you found any videos that have you do some poses on a chair? Better a few on a chair than none at all??????

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Keep looking and you’ll see other videos that have used chairs and less demanding versions of Dr. Fishman’s recommended yoga poses. Also look at YogaUOnline.


I feel your pain! I have major dental problems so I can't take any of the meds for Osteoporosis without a high risk of jaw necrosis. My spine is -3.4. I am at a loss as well as how to move forward. I had parathyroid surgery hoping that would help and it doesn't seem to have done what they thought? Very frustrating and discouraging!


I feel your pain! I have major dental problems so I can't take any of the meds for Osteoporosis without a high risk of jaw necrosis. My spine is -3.4. I am at a loss as well as how to move forward. I had parathyroid surgery hoping that would help and it doesn't seem to have done what they thought? Very frustrating and discouraging!

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Are you taking vitamin D3? My dr said that that was more important than taking calcium.


I agree with you about the 12 poses not being for everyone. What I’ve done is adapt the poses for chair use as much as possible. Somewhere I’ve read (don’t ask where but it was from a trusted site because that’s all I read, ie Mayo, Harvard, Cleveland Clinic) that holding the pose for 40 seconds is what makes it effective. So thats what I do. It’s the muscle contraction that is sending the message to the bone to rebuild, put simply. Have you tried isometric exercise? I dont do weight lifting because of arthritis in my hands and wrist.

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If you search on YouTube for Fishman yoga in chair, there are multiple sites showing the poses. Also Dr Fishman has videos where he addresses the length of time to hold (at least 30 seconds.. no less)… also he had no idea if any one exercise is “the one”, but his research shows the system works if done AT THE VERY LEAST every other day.
I thought I could no more do some of those poses than fly…BUT here we are 6 months later and I am shocked!
Inflammation is so depressing.. I would get so so sad … but increasing my protein, eliminating ALL highly processed food especially added sugar and alcohol.. I have really improved my arthritis pain. It is letting me really do strength work (slowly).. but at least it is something!
Any video by Dr Robert Lustig about sugar ( in your diet snd the animals we eat) was eye opening and changed my direction. I credit the changes with over all gains. They are worth your time.


I would like to find the answer to your question as well.

It seems like all the bisphosphonates cause side effects esp as they only build new bone, upon new bone, while not reabsorbing the old bone as needed. The results cause secondary fractures and then the bone pins do not stay in well. Also the side effects to the jaw and hip and normal side effects from taking the meds (hair loss, etc).


@mariecarder Tymlos and Evenity do not cause dental or jaw problems, and may even help with healing. Evenity is better than Prolia or bisphosphonates in this regard too. With a -3.4 score you should not be on any of the drugs that affect jaws (anti-resorptives) but should be on a bone builder, probably Tymlos or Forteo since you have jaw issues already. Do you have an endocrinologist?

@sandy0257 you probably know that the bisphosphonates and Prolia have the effects you describe, but not Tymlos or Foorteo.

I chose Tymlos because the dose is adjustable so I could ramp up. Forteo was not easy to tolerate the one time I tried it but many take it without problems.


@mariecarder Tymlos and Evenity do not cause dental or jaw problems, and may even help with healing. Evenity is better than Prolia or bisphosphonates in this regard too. With a -3.4 score you should not be on any of the drugs that affect jaws (anti-resorptives) but should be on a bone builder, probably Tymlos or Forteo since you have jaw issues already. Do you have an endocrinologist?

@sandy0257 you probably know that the bisphosphonates and Prolia have the effects you describe, but not Tymlos or Foorteo.

I chose Tymlos because the dose is adjustable so I could ramp up. Forteo was not easy to tolerate the one time I tried it but many take it without problems.

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Thank you! I did not know that!


I have found a medicine Osteopor (a complex of osein and hydroxyapatite) that is used in some European countries for osteoporosis, and bones fractures. May be it can be of additional help, I shall explore it further. But may be somebody in this forum used it.


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This medication (Osteopor) sounds interesting. I take calcium hydroxyapatite as a supplement, but try to get most of my calcium from food. I read all the info on website, but I can't find anything on where to purchase this product. It sounds promising and I would try it if I could find it. Any information on this would be appreciated...thanks, all!


I have found a medicine Osteopor (a complex of osein and hydroxyapatite) that is used in some European countries for osteoporosis, and bones fractures. May be it can be of additional help, I shall explore it further. But may be somebody in this forum used it.


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@melia7 where are you purchasing the Osteopor? I have hydroxyapatite but I have problems finding it even.

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