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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Surgery Options

Men's Health | Last Active: 2 days ago | Replies (235)

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To answer your question about having any severe pain following the procedure…..I did not have any severe pain. I did have the Foley in place when I woke up. That was the worst of it for me. I was very sensitive and I was uncomfortable with that Foley…..but….it was removed the following morning! As for bleeding…..there will be some blood in your urine for 1-2 weeks….and I would pass bloody scale when urinating as well. All of this is completely normal. It went away in about 8-10 days for me. I was able to urinate a few hours after the Foley was removed! Because I live 160 miles from the Mayo, both the Doctor and me wanted to insure things were good before I went home….so I stayed at the Hotel for another night. I will tell you that for me, I couldn’t believe how well I could urinate on the very first day. I’m not kidding….it made me smile!

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Replies to "To answer your question about having any severe pain following the procedure…..I did not have any..."

Great...been fighting this for a year....blockage, trips to ER for full bladder, Foley In, Foley out. Like you I musta got the sensitivity super cells, Foley was and is a full nightmare, can't sleep, can't walk..all painful...feels like a wire under my scrotum that constantly burns and aches. Hoping my results are good as you seem to be happy with the procedure. I am 600 miles from Mayo/Minnesota so had to do something locally. I think I will do the extra day at the hotel too..just to be assured I'm ok........Just hoping for some positive urine flow.....very depressing now. Thanks for the help......

Kayak461. I am 6 weeks out from my HoLEP procedure. My flow decreased at week 3 and I started having discomfort in the urethra urinating. My flow was really good up to week 3. What was your experience during that period?