← Return to Hot flashes, fatigue 4 months after radiation and Orgovyx

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How has your recovery from Orgovyx progressed?
Fatigue and "wooziness " are my issues 4 wks after finishing 4 mos of Orgovyx (together with IMRT 37 sessions for BCR.

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Replies to "Dd2312: How has your recovery from Orgovyx progressed? Fatigue and "wooziness " are my issues 4..."

From Bill who experienced prostate surgery in 2019, the same as you with radiation concurrent with Orgovyx in 2022. 4.5 month's after stopping orgovyx, hot flashes finally starting to dissipate, still experiencing some fatigue but less and never experienced wooziness. Some trouble staying asleep with random aches and pains. Basically slowly recovering.

The hot flashes are completely resolved although I feel I am more sensitive to the summer heat than in past years. Fatigue is better but not back to my baseline.