← Return to 49 yo male 1900 calcium score normal stress test and echocardiogram

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Hi @pkoutou

Everything I've read states that the CAC scores are very accurate. I'm somewhat in the same boat as you. I'm 61 and recently found out my CAC was 2534. And like you, my echo and nuclear stress test are all good. I'm completely asymptomatic. No real family history of heart disease outside of my father dying of a heart attack at 84.

I was put on 20mg of Crestor when I got my CAC score and outside of that and watching my diet (although not as strict as I could lol), I really haven't changed anything in my life. I still walk about 5 miles a week, workout, etc.

What actions has your cardiologist given you? For example, did he tell you to repeat the echo every "x" years?

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Replies to "Hi @pkoutou Everything I've read states that the CAC scores are very accurate. I'm somewhat in..."

I wonder what your cardiologist has recommended as far as treatment other than diet and exercise. I had a CAC of almost 1600. My LAD artery showed a high score itself. All tests done and came out good. Imaging showed a little dark spot so Doc. suggested an angiogram which i was trying to avoid. I am asymptomatic at 64 yrs. old. My PCP initially put on Rosuvastatin 10mg but the cardiologist increased to 20 mg. I had the angiogram (via the groin area, no other choice offered). It came out to the LAD mid section being blocked. Interventionist said "You are borderline" which later I learned was 60/70% blockage. At that moment I decided NO stent. Now is just about dieting, eating well, increasing cardio exercise. I can always go back and get a stent. Hopefully my blood tests keep coming good, My LDL was 125, went down with statins to 72 but cardiologist wans to bring it down to 55. The secret: try as much as plant based diet as I can.