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Help Finding Clinical Trials

Pancreatic Cancer | Last Active: Sep 5, 2023 | Replies (58)

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This is all overwhelming. My brother in law was just diagnosed after going to E.R. for something completely unrelated. So far it has looked like this:
1. Go to E.R. for something unrelated and they do a CT Scan which shows something unusual.
2. They go in to do a biopsy but when they get in there, they don't see it so they just pull back out and schedule an MRI to double check.
3. MRI indicates there is something there. They reschedule the biopsy and go back in to take the biopsy.
4. They think there is something going on with the biopsy but it wasn't clear so they send the results to the UW Wisconsin team to look.
5. The night of the biopsy, he develops painful pancreatitis and ends up in the hospital.
6. A day later they tell him while he's still in the hospital that he has pancreatic cancer. When asked about the stage, they say it's 2B.... but telling us it's very early on.

.It feels like he's been put into a cattle prodding line now. A port is going in on Thursday and he'll start Chemo. I don't feel like they have been thorough enough. So much uncertainty and now he's getting a port put in? Looking to get a second opinion. Spoke with insurance company today. The spot in him is about an inch and a half by an inch big. It's not near the blood vessels. Why don't they just take that out? Why waste the next 5 months shrinking it? I know this may sound ignorant but I'm trying to understand. Does everyone who receives this diagnosis go directly into chemo?
Please help.

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Replies to "This is all overwhelming. My brother in law was just diagnosed after going to E.R. for..."

@lrymer , I'm sorry to hear about this, but I can share what I know. I was in a similar situation and also felt like a cow getting prodded somewhere with no idea where I was going.

No time to retype my story tonight, but I sent you a Direct Message with my contact info if you want to talk asap this week. Will share what I know.

Went through this with my husband in January. Went to ER for stomach pain and CT showed spot on head of pancreas. He was diagnosed as Stage 1B. They immediately did the Whipple procedure and is currently undergoing 12 treatments of chemotherapy. It is a long, rough road ahead. Please reach out if you have any questions. Praying for you ALL.