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Have decided to nix the nerve block for now. I unfortunately have too many other issues crowding my proverbial plate right now, including having thermal abrasion on right leg due to serious problems from failed valves in veins. Left needs it also but not as immediate. My vascular cardiologist recommended VenaSeal, but I researched it and was alarmed that a substance like that in Gorilla glue is inserted. My fear was on having any of it possibly go into my blood stream, possible issues with that. Most importantly: when I had a virtual visit with my doctor, to talk about the procedure again and to ask for alternate surgery, he kept saying that it was the best choice for me (age almost 75) and that the only obstacle would be if I had latex sensitivity. Evidently, the info supplied to him by my medical group FAILED TO INCLUDE THAT! His face blanched when I told him that I most certainly have burning, itching, and redness which then makes skin peel off where latex has come in contact😳. THAT squelched the procedure. So I am having thermal abrasion, although it is not something I'm looking forward to. However, I also want an end to the crippling pain that I get in both legs, making it impossible to do anything but lie down with legs up. Can't stand. Cannot walk. Lasts anywhere from a couple of days up to 4 - 5. So I'm having the surgery at the end of July on the worst of the two legs (the right one).
Since I'm unable to take any pain killers for my chronic pain, three of the doctors on my medical team have conjured that I need to consider alternative medicine. Tomorrow, I have appointment for reviewing my medical issues/history to see if I would be able to take medical cannibis. We'll see. There's a great deal to take into consideration, including improving my quality of life, being in a better situation so I can attend to my husband's medical situation. I'm not complaining, mind you. I just want to be able to find ways to help myself so I can be in a better position to help him (we just learned that my concerns about his memory issues, tremors, headaches, etc. do indeed have a cause...brain MRI indicates issues that we'll now be addressing). If indeed medicinal cannibis is cleared for me, perhaps I'll get relief from several pain problems.
I'll look into what you suggest re: Scrambler therapies. Hubby has intense issues with peripheral neuropathy, particularly in his feet. Sometimes applying Vicks helps (he learned about that online!).
Thanks for your input, cperlin! Really appreciated🌺.

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Replies to "Have decided to nix the nerve block for now. I unfortunately have too many other issues..."

@delia74 You certainly have a lot on your plate. If you do get approved for medical cannabis, my fellow mentor, @artscaping, finds relief by using it and is a great resource if you have questions. Hang in there.