← Return to Low FODMAP diet ...is it worth trying?


Low FODMAP diet ...is it worth trying?

Digestive Health | Last Active: Apr 11 8:55pm | Replies (84)

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I'm glad those posting are citing getting onto & trying the FODMap diet for several weeks. It can be amazing what you find is exacerbating your gastric symptoms (with the idea being that some foods you love but slim note can be reintroduced - even if occasionally - if you find they're not problematic). That said, YES - make sure you get & take the full 3-hr SIBO test (preferably with the glucose base) to test for the gut bacteria (which will check for methane & hydrogen gas readings in you stomach & upper small intestine, the presence of which strongly suggests a gut bacteria, which can slow to digestive motility & thus grow the bacteria which creates the gas, be it belching or passing). And if you ave high methane levels like I do, consider getting your doctor to prescribe antibiotic combo, e.g. neomycin (500 mg 3x daily) & rafaximin (550 mg 3x daily). Just make sure you're also taking a GOOD probiotic/postbiotic during that time to renourish 7 keep the good bacteria in your gut. If you're in touch with a Naturopathic doc, ask about combining THAT with the Thaenabiotic therapy; it's getting studied a lot with some impressive results. Only certain health providers do it, though Flora Medicine (based in Oregon; check out their website; pretty impressive).
QUESTION - My worse symptoms are built up gas after even a early meal (I can eat no later than around 3 pm & I'm vegan), which due to stomach pulsing & headache will NOT let me sleep the the night. The only thing that seems to partially work is a glass of charcoal/water mixture, sit down (I cannot lay down until it literally passes whatever's in my stomach area) & massage my stomach area. Anyone got any better ideas than the charcoal?

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Replies to "I'm glad those posting are citing getting onto & trying the FODMap diet for several weeks...."

Pro and pre biotic supplements are part of my life now, even though it has been several years since my last issue with SIBO.
As to the tummy issues, try a teaspoon of baking soda in
about a 6 oz glass of water. Not tasty, but might help your discomfort
Good luck!