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Isolation due to stigma of mental illness

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Jul 22, 2023 | Replies (15)

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I have a dear family member with severe OCD/depression/anxiety and it is tormenting. I can't tell you the antidepressants they had to go through and anti-anxeity meds to find the right fit. Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Cognitive therapy, etc., They give 100 percent to everything they do and their career keeps their mind occupied and they are an excellent employee. They eat healthy & work out. They have told me exercise helps them greatly with their anxiety. They have a deep faith in the Lord. Fish Oil (Omega 3) was recommended to them as it helps the brain. They have helped others that battle depression & anxiety in ways that no one else could have that didn't battle it. I have learned much from them. OCD is just not simply a germ phobia....it's a lot of things. I support them, love them and pray for them and my heart goes out to them. I see the sadness in their eyes at times. People can say cruel things. Shame on them. People will never get what anyone goes through until they have it themselves. This person is beautiful inside and out and contributes so much to this world. I admire them greatly. I have seen the meltdowns, the extreme lows, the broken record in the brain that will not shut down, etc., It's torment, but, they fight it and keep moving forward. God Bless everyone that battles any kind of depression/anxiety/OCD or other emotional disorder. Praying for you all. Hugs & Prayers....

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Replies to "I have a dear family member with severe OCD/depression/anxiety and it is tormenting. I can't tell..."

Thank you for your contribution here.

It helps me - and hopefully others - to appreciate the depth of feeling, the layer upon layer of efforts - day upon day, sometimes moment to moment - to strive on, move ahead, even hoping to thrive, maybe even enjoy! what there is in life. And to do it while helping others, being a conscientious member of society, all while struggling internally with all you've described,

And for myself and my family member, dealing in addition with the lifelong burden and weight of fundamental family issues that will never go away and are (and were) embedded in us in our early development.

Thank you - on behalf of all of us (if I may) bearing this unrelenting weight - for SEEING the struggle. Struggling alone, with little or no validation from those closest to us, is a very costly, unrelenting burden.

As I've said in the past on less weighty subjects, but applies here - "Onward!"

Again, thank you for seeing - and acknowledging - the struggle.