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This is a little off your topic but I have had terrible tooth and bone loss all of my life along with many bouts of severe bronchitis and pneumonia. After a lifetime of dental problems and illnesses a doctor was wise enough to do a blood test and I was diagnosed with CVID which is a primary immune disorder. I was put on immunoglobulin infusions and in no time I no longer had periodontal disease. Unfortunately my diagnosis came a little late in life when I was 67 years old. I wish someone had tested me earlier so I would not have had so many root canals, tooth extractions and dental implants along with many other serious health conditions. That is only some of the problems due to a late diagnosis.

Could someone explain what RSD is.


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Replies to "monablue58 This is a little off your topic but I have had terrible tooth and bone..."

@katrina123 Thank you for your post. I have had the same issues you have had all my life. I am going to ask for the blood test you had for my own peace of mind. I probably don't have it but I hope I can convince my stubborn FP to request I get the CVID test. I have had the teeth issues and I constantly get bronchitis and pneumonia once a year.