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That’s great that it works for you with a combination drug ..But I’m talking about myself . And I think I make it clear that this is about me and what worked for me ..we’re both replying to the same post ? She’s asking for help to get off of clonazepam and if you read her post , she’s not having such a great experience. ..
So . I can relate ? Sure it’s a great drug until you hit immunity after 10 years I’ve freaking well hit immunity. I only take 1.5 mgs per day .,and the only reason I’m on them is bc I can’t get the hell off of them . People say “ well just stay on them ?” That’s not an option ? You see when you hit immunity , like I have from this drug and dr will. Not give me any higher dosage ! Trust me I’ve lost brother and my sister in last 3 yrs to cancer ( I’m 55) and he said “ nope ! Not allowed to increase ?” Lol but they sure were 10 yrs ago . Now the government and Health Canada , Anti drug companies and the opioid crisis ..,have finally stopped most drs from ( freely ) offering them up as an option . Zopliclone included ( z drug I asked for sleep during that period ) no.., bc z drugs are now ( kind of lol ) in the benzo . Family ? So getting off track , sorry . I’ll make this quick now . What happens to me every day for last 4 years … I go through wds all day .. not the kind you have when you try to stop cpam ( cold turkey ) that’s just pure dangerous .,but I take my pill and try to spread the (3) pills out throughout the day ..,with leaving one for bedtime so I can sleep ??well it’s torture ! And by 6 pm I end up just taking the 3rd one ..,I don’t get to sleep until 3 am and that’s after I’ve taken 4 gravol or something over counter ?? Tried to taper twice .,once , for 6 months and I just had to stop ? The wds weren’t going away . My next plan was micro- tapering .. but I’m happy that it’s working for you .,I’m only replying to this particular Post bc she sounds like me ! Seriously.. that’s all .., And I know you’re not accusing me of doing so …,,you’re just saying that it helps you and you’re not going to “ bath mouth cpam “ but it just isn’t doing a thing for me except wds everyday ..,imagine ? 👍👍❤️

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Replies to "That’s great that it works for you with a combination drug ..But I’m talking about myself..."

I tapered off clonazepam after being on it for four years. I used the Ashton method which has helped many people . You can find it online. It’s a safe slow taper. It took me 5 months to taper off of 1mg. It was hard I’m not going to lie but a lot has changed in my health for the better. I still have anxiety I’m working on that. But I can tell you I have a ton of energy I can exercise again and seriously my vision is brighter and clearer.