I am having numbness on my lower left lip and chin.

In the last two months I have had strange things happening. I have numbness in my lower left lip and chin. There is no pain, just numbness. In the last week I am suffering a horrible pain in my right lower back, from my waist down about 5" into my butt. There is a cord I can feel. I also feel numbness in my toes recently. I'm a 73 year old female. Any clues what could be causing this and what I should do?

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Hmmm, @almostoutofthewoods , this sounds like two separate issues to me. Facial numbness should be evaluated because it can be an indication of something serious, or it could just be random. The buttock pain sounds a lot like an angry sciatic nerve. This can often be managed with ice, heat and stretching.

But, since you are having multiple symptoms, maybe a visit to your primary care provider can give you a clue as to what is going on and put your mind at ease?


Thanks for responding Sue! I've been reading online about trigeminal neuralgia, but since I've had no pain in my face, only numbness, it might not be that. I haven't gone to my primary care Dr. because they seem to send you in for a cat scan or MRI and possibly not as knowledgeable as I am by reading from many sources online. Yes, I have had several sciatic nerve episodes in the last 5 years, so you're probably right, that is a separate issue. I found that 4% lidocane patches and ice helped that problem and heat irritated it. As long as the facial numbness stays the same, I am not doing anything about it, which might not be the right thing to do. Getting old is NOT for sissies!


Thanks for responding Sue! I've been reading online about trigeminal neuralgia, but since I've had no pain in my face, only numbness, it might not be that. I haven't gone to my primary care Dr. because they seem to send you in for a cat scan or MRI and possibly not as knowledgeable as I am by reading from many sources online. Yes, I have had several sciatic nerve episodes in the last 5 years, so you're probably right, that is a separate issue. I found that 4% lidocane patches and ice helped that problem and heat irritated it. As long as the facial numbness stays the same, I am not doing anything about it, which might not be the right thing to do. Getting old is NOT for sissies!

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So for years, I struggled with sciatic nerve issues, and it finally occurred to me they only happen in my summer residence, where I have a cushy reclining leather sofa, or when traveling by car and spending a lot of time sitting on a hotel bed doing computer stuff or watching TV. In my winter home, where a much firmer and smaller Lay-z-boy rocker came with the house, not so much. It turned out it was compression on the nerve from poor posture on the cushy couch - when I put a firm memory-foam seat cushion (meant for a car) on it, the problem got better. When I added one to my computer chair and driver's seat, better still. Finally, when I added daily stretches recommended by my ortho doc to my daily exercise regimen - poof! Gone.

Not sure I agree about ignoring the facial numbness...

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