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My Endocrinologist has me on generic Synthroid every day. I basically have spurts of energy anymore. Surgery was in April of this yr. I'm a care taker of 2 adults & I'm struggling with lack of energy now. Dr has changed my dosage 2x. So now I'm splitting the 200mg tablet in half & taking the half once a day. My lab work seems to be somewhat a roller coaster still. I'll see her again in Aug & discuss with her about what can be done if anything. I'm trying to boost my energy with protein shakes in the morning. But I'm lagging in the afternoons terribly. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
The Drs I speak with ARE NOT educated on this gene mutation & their solution is to start YANKING OUT BODY PARTS!! My obgyn wants to do a full hysterectomy on me in October to ward off Uterine cancer from this gene. Ugh! I'm 50yrs young & I won't be a candidate for estrogen replacement either due to the gene mutation. So I'll just "Waver through it" according to Dr. Frustrating!! Tons of questions & NO ANSWERS from the medical specialists. They just sit back & say well there's no data on that so better just take it out!!
Ugh ...

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Replies to "My Endocrinologist has me on generic Synthroid every day. I basically have spurts of energy anymore...."

I would not let them take your ovaries. They do most of the hormones. I had a partial hysterectomy in 2011 due to fibroids. They took the uterus but left the ovaries to keep me from going into early menopause. I'm 53 now and my hormone levels are still normal. I make the Dr check every so often to make sure. I have an Endocrinologist for my thyroid meds but, I see an Oncologist for the Chek2 stuff. He makes sure that I'm getting the correct check ups and avoiding anything that other Specialist Dr are doing that might be a problem. (Multiple radiology, meds like Ozempic, ect) He and the Oncology Surgeon do acknowledge they don't have much infomation or knowledge about Chek2 right now. Right now they are both pushing a double mastectomy for me because of my history. I did say No and they are working with me on developing other safety options. However, I just had a biopsy on a breast lump yesterday. They found it in my breast scan this month. It was not there in Jan's Mammogram. I have had 2 prior biopsies that were benign. One was a surgical biopsy and it caused horrible pain. They think I'm going to have Post Mastectomy Syndrome which is why I said no to the double Mastectomy. You do have the right to say NO to anything the Dr recommends. It is your choice what is done to your body. Make the decision what is best for you and your quality of life. The Dr doesnt know that part when they suggest stuff. If you want to keep your ovaries and let them take the uterus that is what they have to do. Even no hysterectomy at all (although I love no more period). An ultrasound can always check those organs safely as often as needed. Good Luck