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Thanks Ilean, it all started after she caught COVID in may last year, she has had so many tests done (ultrasound, endoscopy, tomography head MRI, infiltration + blood & stool these last 2 all coming out fine now, and the rest all ok. I took her 3 times to ER last year, on the 3rd time (August) her pain had intensified, they were going to send me home and I refused, thank god I did, 3 days later they did an ultrasound and the same day she was operated and had her appendix removed. After the operation, I imagine due to the antibiotics, her continuous diarrhea was sorted. But each blood work was getting worse (during about a 3 month period) and her digestion was incomplete. GI Dr didn't see it a problem. Went to a private GI and he tested for parasites, she was loaded with Giardia, this was treated and her blood work all went back to normal levels and digestion complete (strange thing, nobody else or the animals tested positive).
She is 24 hrs a day with tummy pains and headaches in more or less intensity, depending on time of day (she can't get up until about 11 due to the pain) and how much she eats. The Drs thought it could be ACNES (trapped nerve syndrome) as she has two focal points each side of her belly button where it hurts a lot more, and when they do carnett's maneuver it comes out positive. They infiltrated the 2 focal points, just caused more pain during 5-6 days.
I think we may have been in touch before, I believe you commented on my post of continuous tummy pain.
I do hope you also find a solution, and if you have any success with anything, please let me know. I'll do the same.
Take care and best of luck

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Replies to "Thanks Ilean, it all started after she caught COVID in may last year, she has had..."

Thanks for the information. My abdominal pain has been in the upper stomach. The discomfort and bloating is all over! Yes, I too hard a hard time getting out of bed before 11 or so and then the pain would just keep increasing until 4:00 pm. I called it my bewitching hour!