← Return to Fibro acts up whenever I lay down to rest, When I first wake up A.M.

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Did you ever take any other meds for Fibro, before the Tramadol? My PC Dr is very reluctant to prescribe any strong pain meds so would probably insist I try some of the other drugs first, such as Cymbalta, Lyrica etc. I know they have a lot of side effects and are very difficult to discontinue without long tapering. I'm having terrible muscle pain now, 24/7. I'm going to a pain clinic tomorrow to see what they suggest.

I also have bad insomnia. I usually can fall asleep but wake up many times during the night and have trouble falling back asleep. I had a sleep study done that ruled out apnea and restless legs. I'm seeing another sleep Dr soon. Have you always been on the same dose of Ambien? How much sleep do you usually get with it and are you tired the next day from it? I worry about the side effect of sleep walking.

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Oh my sister tried Ambien and did sleepwalk. Her husband would find her up looking for her car keys so he hid them every night until she stopped taking it. Eeks
I get uaually 7-8 hours sleep total. Any less and I rest or nap the next day.