I keep falling and breaking bones and I am only 48.

Posted by graceful @graceful, Jun 22, 2023

Hi all! I am only 48 and I just spent 2 years with a fractured ankle that will not heal - waiting for a surgery - i have now lost my job because of it and just last week fell down my stairs and broke both my ankles and my leg. My family doctor is very concerned and actually mentioned sending me to Mayo to find out what is going on. However, I am unemployed and have no idea how i would pay for something like that! Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? Any suggestions? I have 4 MRI's scheduled for next week to see the exact damage i have in both of my feet -

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@larak if you have hyperparathyroidism, I wonder if Tymlos or Forteo are a problem, since they boost the parathyroid short term. Have you discussed with your doc? Evenity affects sclerostin, not the parathyroid, so maybe that is better???? I have no idea and wonder what your docs say.

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Wow. You're awesome! I will definitely discuss all of the above with my endocrinologist.

Thanks, again. 🙂


I am so sorry to hear your story of broken bones at such a young age. Like others have commented, I am wondering if you might have Osteoporosis. I am 73 but was diagnosed with this at age 70. I see an Endocrinologist in Boston and for me, she has prescribed a drug called Fosomax (generic name is IC Alendronat-E Sodium 70 mg tablet. ) I take this once a week and she told me that I will need to take it for five years. I have been on it for two years, but I did slip and fall on my last step to my yard and fortunately had just a bad sprain to my ankle but no breaks. Check out an Endocrinologist in your area. They are well-versed in bone density. All of my very best wishes to you……..there will be a medical solution for you……MaryAnn from Boston


I am now out of work because of all of this mess and have lost my good insurance and am now on medicaid. My primary doctor does not take medicaid so i have to find a new doctor and start all over. He did want to run a bone scan as well as blood testing. A few years ago i had issues with iron deficiency, and had to have IV Iron infusions done several times. The Osteopathic doctor I have been seeing for the leg fractures has a department that handles bone scans for osteoporous testing however they are on maternity leave until December so they want me to find someone else to have it done sooner, so they are no help! This unfortunately is the type of medical care we get in small town Illinois. My Primary wanted me to go to the mayo clinic and be treated for multiple issues i have been facing, because i am a single parent and he knows how much my kids need me but they will not take my insurance either and I just can't afford to drop everytheing and go there! It is so frustrating!! I feel like I am on a hamster wheel!


Can they at least do a 25-Hydroxy Vit D test?

Have you talked to a Patient Care Coordinator at Mayo to see if they could help?


Have you been diagnosed with with osteoporosis? No broken bones but Alpha Phosphate low B6 high will be testing for HPP in December. Please have bloodwork checked.


yes, get bone density test...i am 57 and got an MRI last year and have early stage osteopenia, it's what you get before osteoporosis...there is no cure but it can lead to fragile bones..but can be prevented from getting worse with calcium, and certain forms of weight bearing exercises, eating right foods, etc..your doc will tell you all of that..or actually a dietician would be better..take care

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