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Sorry I havent posted latly. I have been with my mom at the hospital, she has lug cancer. It takes up her whole left lung. I put her in the nursing home yesterday. She also has alztimer. My MRI went well, I have scare tissue due to the head injury which is what they belive is cousing my syptoms. They could use radiation to help clear some of the scaring, but I need to think about it. I just dont want to go through anything else right now. Its been such a fight with mom, she has become really mean spirited and hard to work with, its very draining. I will try to post more being shes in a safe place. Please pray , and thanks for asking how Ive been doing, it means alot to me.

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Replies to "Sorry I havent posted latly. I have been with my mom at the hospital, she has..."

So good to hear from you Salena. Thanks for taking the time to write. Sorry to hear about your mom. Family caregiving is one of the most meaningful and challenging jobs out there. Your mom is lucky to have you. I know its draining and sometimes impossible to see beyond the mean-spiritedness, and know its more the disease talking than the person.

If you wish, please use the Connect community as a sounding board for your decision-making about radiation. You can tell us more when you're ready.