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I have been on 3 mg a day for ten years with one forced break. I am coming off it now with vigorous exercise five days a week and dietary changes. What I have found is that Lorazepam and other drugs have been making my depression worse ( I have bipolar disorder) and they’re increasing my mixed episodes. I am undertaking with my provider a major rethink of my entire treatment plan. My hope is that with dietary changes and exercise all I will need is mood stabilizer. I am on a lot of other drugs now.

Read Brain Energy by Palmer. It may not apply to you, for me it has codified much of what I suspected and other researchers have found; there are other factors besides neurotransmitters in the brain that affect mental health. In fact the defective neurotransmitters are a secondary effect of cellular health; interesting read. I feel like I am waking up from a life long nightmare!

Usually feeling good doesn’t last, so Im cautious. Next up is getting of Venlafaxine, that will likely take a year or so.

Oh, in addition to Lorazepam I’ve recently come of Quintiapan (SP) it was also worsening my depression.

Talk to your docs and keep a journal of how you feel. It helps.

All my best to all those that suffer with mental illness; if they haven’t been there they’re not likely to understand.

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Replies to "I have been on 3 mg a day for ten years with one forced break. I..."

I was prescribed 8 milligrams a day of Lorazapam. Then a new doctor told me I was a drug addict. Can you imagine? Anyway, I quit taking it cold turkey but I do not recommend it! I take an antidepressant and Gabapentin now. You can quit it, just wean yourself off slowly. I missed having it for a while, but the feeling fades. Good luck to you on your mental health journey.