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Lupus Medication

Autoimmune Diseases | Last Active: Jul 7, 2023 | Replies (19)

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I was started on Plaquenil with no issues. I had a severe hives rash and some swelling in my hand. No fatigue or joint pain. Put on 200mg 2x/day. Why was I put in such a high dose with no symptoms ? For last two days was having pain in my wrists. Then severe aches and pains in my muscles joints and bones. Felt like I had a high fever. Finally yesterday I couldn't take the pain any longer and took 2 Medrol steroids. Suddenly I broke out with a fever- highest 101.5!! Was freezing for a long time when it suddenly switched to being hot. Woke up twice through the night to pee and had to peel my top off -covered in sweat. Feel like there's a tight band across my forehead. Skin feels weird....I don't know if I'm sick or if it's an immune response to the Plaquenil. I want to stop it!!

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Replies to "I was started on Plaquenil with no issues. I had a severe hives rash and some..."

jerrysgirl3, God Bless You! I do know you can run fever with Lupus and have wrist pain. I agree, I question the high dose unless your autoimmune markers were high for Lupus. I say start low and build up with most medicines. It's easier to build up to a higher dose than to come back down. I started out on 100 mg daily and for about 5 weeks I did great. Then I started having wierd headaches (sharp pains in my head/tightness on the sides of my head) and the nerves (trigeminal I think) were jumping in my face on the daily dose of 100 mg. I called the nurse and told her it was helping with my pain and inflammation from Lupus, Arhtritis and Fibromyalgia, BUT, the other things started. I started taking 100 mg every other day. I am feeling better, but the symptoms are not completely gone. I see the rheumatologist this month and perhaps I can try something else. Praying for you to get better soon!