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So sorry you are having a second surgery. It’s terribly disconcerting to go through one much less two!
I really do not know why he decided to take that many. Initially, it was supposed to be 3 or 4. I had so much faith in my surgeon and my immense faith in the Almighty, I didn’t question that decision. Surgeon did mention that he did that to be on the safe side!!?! I have been free and clear since that time. I’m five years, almost six.
I had virtually no pain from surgery. I did have pain due to the incorrect placement of catheter!! Very uncomfortable!!!
The incision in the right inguinal are was a different story. Not unbearable though. I am blessed with a high tolerance for pain. It took quite a long while for that to heal. Healing from the inside first; I thought I would never heal!
You mentioned that they had no idea what they removed was cancer? Had you not done a biopsy
on that area?
Well, we believe in prayer. What day is your surgery and I will certainly pray for you!
Guess I haven’t been much help, except for you to know that you are not alone!

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Replies to "So sorry you are having a second surgery. It’s terribly disconcerting to go through one much..."

Hah! I've spent my life working in the church (60 years) -- so yes, I'm a prayer person, and am thankful for your prayers. You have been a great deal of help. I think I'm going to pursue having this done elsewhere. Will know more today. From what I can tell, the biopsy done at my gyn's office was insufficient (I see that "after the fact") The oncologic surgeon probably should have done another, or at the very least recognized the severity of the situation. In teaching hospitals, they use a lot of fellows in the operating room. To be honest, I really don't know who did this surgery, looking back. I, like you, trusted the system at the time. Did you have both sides done, or just one? They have me down for a bilingual, since the margin is close to the midline, and the margins weren't clear on pathology.

I had a bilateral hemivulectomy with lymph node dissection
Two nodes were + so they took 7 to be safe. Now I have lymphedema. I was stage 3 when they operated. Tons of radiation and 6 chemo tx. Just wondering if you were using HRT hormone replacement therapy?