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This is from Medical News Today about Evenity (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/drugs-evenity-side-effects#mild-side-effects) :
Serious side effects of Evenity
Evenity may cause serious side effects. Although serious side effects aren’t common, they may occur. The list below may not include all possible serious side effects of the drug. For more information, you can refer to Evenity’s prescribing information.

If you develop serious side effects during Evenity treatment, call your doctor right away. If the side effects seem life threatening or you think you’re having a medical emergency, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number.

Serious side effects that have been reported and their symptoms include:

Hypocalcemia (low blood calcium level). Symptoms can include:
itching of the skin
Osteonecrosis of the jaw (death of bone tissue in the jaw). Symptoms can include:
jaw pain
swelling of the jaw or gums
loose teeth
Unusual femur fracture. Symptoms can include:
difficulty walking
thigh, hip, or groin pain
Stroke, heart attack, and cardiovascular death.*
Severe allergic reaction.†

The osteonecrosis of the jaw and the femur fractures are also characteristic of the biophosphonates and indicate building of brittle bone. Pharmaceutical companies are infamous for creating new patented drugs that are supposed to be better than the old ones but then it turns out they lied.

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Replies to "This is from Medical News Today about Evenity (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/drugs-evenity-side-effects#mild-side-effects) : Serious side effects of Evenity Evenity..."

@cperlin I indicated in my post that Evenity is both bone building and an anti-resorptive. Both my doc and McCormick's excellent book "Great Bones" explain that Evenity is more anabolic for the first 6 months and more anti-resorptive in the second 6 months. It is anti-resorptive drugs (that affect bone turnover) that may cause brittle bones over time. However, jaw necrosis, as an example, happens mainly with cancer patients on high doses for a period of time- I have been told and read.

Anyone contemplating Evenity needs to have cardiovascular risk evaluated.

Tymlos and Forteo are not anti-resorptives and build quality bone.

Drug companies are legally required to list all side effects and the lists that result can be scary. But fractures are also scary, painful and limiting.I gained 20% (quality) bone density on Tymlos for my spine, going from severe osteoporosis to borderline. I am so much stronger than I was, after my multiple fractures.

I have a kid with type 1 diabetes and epilepsy, who is still alive thanks to drug companies, so my view may be different. Nevertheless, I waited too long to commit to a bone drug because the intolerable side effects of Fortoe drug made me scared to try Tymlos- and then COVID interfered.