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Thank you very much .. yrs .. I honestly thought I’m on these for life . If I can’t go without after trying the tapering ( twice ) then I was destined to struggle to keep my dosage at 1.5 per day and like you said , is true .,I too had hit tolerance so would have to sneak an extra one here and there … at the end of my (30) day refill it was murder! I had only a few and I just had to take them very sparingly and still went through wds .. so this is one reason I do not want to stay on pregabalin any longer than I absolutely have to .. I don’t want another drug to replace this one .. I would rather put up with the shingles nerve pain . At least that’s physical.. the mental torture game is like someone throwing you into the gates of hell , best way I can describe it . Here I am this morning , going out …. Up over 2 hrs now and no sign of a wd. I just took my one pregabalin an hour ago but didn’t have a craving for it .. it’s only been 3 weeks ..I sure hope when they start to taper me off of the pregabalin..?that will be it … done.! Cross your fingers for me and I’ll keep you updated …Thanks again …. Just wanted to put this out there in case someone else may want to talk to their dr about pregabalin.. I stumbled upon it working .. pharmacy told me that they’ve never seen it just replacing clonazepam… it’s usually used as a tapering method though ..

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Replies to "Thank you very much .. yrs .. I honestly thought I’m on these for life ...."

We all think either we’re on for life or we can’t handle the w/d. I’m not sure I’d consider wanting “hell” to end as a craving. You’re not seeking pleasure. You absolutely can get off both drugs, but you have to be willing to go through a lot of symptoms. There are support groups full of others coming off benzos, pregab (Lyrica) and ADs because they were in tolerance and there’s no sense in taking a drug that stops working. They don’t continue chemo if it’s not working.

I wish you’d check out Benzo Information Consortium if you are suddenly hit with worsening withdrawal symptoms. They can be very strange. Hopefully, you’re one of the lucky ones and you will just taper off the pregab slowly with few issues. It’s not an easy drug to get off of.
See this post here.

I wish you only the best. I’m not at all anti-drug. Many are life-saving. These, however, should only be used in emergencies and for the shortest time possible and slowly tapered off. That’s the new black box warning the FDA finally realized was the honest thing to do.