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Well .. I know everyone will be angry with my email worth of advice . I do agree with you all re. Addiction centers. I have been on 1.5 mgs of clonazepam since 2014 when my dad passed away ..I was addicted within 3 months ? Had to get more Omg ! So they tried to taper , that was too fast …I know now if I tried to get off of them I’d have to do a micro taper .. however .. 3 weeks ago after recovering from shingles .. my sister passed away of brain cancer in 5 weeks ..we weren’t ready for that one . But I came down with shingles and so did my mom 95 .. she’s fine..and so am I .. but no . After the rash was gone I am left with nerve pain ? Feels like a sunburn with someone poking pins in it all the time . They put me on pregabalin.. seemed to work ok .. but 2 weeks later I noticed that I didn’t need my clonazepam? So I didn’t bother taking any ? That horrible , dreadful feeling when I would wake up in the morning once my central nervous system woke up too and realized I was in wds .. horrible feeling until I took my cpam . That doesn’t happen anymore . Now I take 2 (75) mg pills per day ..that’s it ? I talked to dr and pharmacist? They both were surprised as pregabalin is sometimes used in accordance with the tapering process .. but they’ve never heard of someone taking it and it actually took the place of cpam ? So I asked ? Am I going to have a hard time coming off of this dosage ? And she said “ no , probably still taper down to make sure “ but then I asked her “ will I start to have delayed wds from the cpam ?” She couldn’t see how ? Since cpam has been out of my system for almost 3 weeks now ..but I did keep my refill on the shelf .. bc this drug cpam is a tricky , dangerous little pill … and I don’t trust it to not come back . But I am shocked by this ?

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I’m very, very sorry for all the suffering you’ve been through. I wish you the best in your healing. I’m exhausted from trying to help educate others in the safe discontinuation of benzos. So many get CT’d and continue to add more meds, which can be just as bad as the benzos to ease symptoms of withdrawal or CT. If they help, good for you. If not, there is medically sound help out there if one looks beyond addiction centers. You’ll find that, of course, benzos help in the short run or maybe even years for others, but eventually tolerance hits.

Best to you.