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Can’t find help; at a total loss

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Jul 4, 2023 | Replies (27)

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Thank you all so much 🙂

I was not able to talk to the social worker. I left a message; been a few days and haven’t heard back.

There are so many things that need to be done/changed with my parents situation, and with my own…I don’t know where to start or how to get it all done.

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Replies to "Thank you all so much :) I was not able to talk to the social worker...."

@1k194 Deep breaths. okay? Can you sit down and write out a list of things that come to mind, that need to be done. Go over the list and take a good look to prioritize what should be done first. Can you enlist help from siblings/friends/relatives? Is there an Area Agency on Aging or Senior Services in your county you can go to, and ask for assistance?

I hope you feel better soon.

Ginger is right: Deep breaths and everything else she said.
Ginger's idea for a list of priorities is an excellent idea. (Remember: prioritize; you can put everything that pops into your head on the list, but you have to follow up with the prioritizing.)

"Where to start"
You already did start!! Give yourself credit. You ARE doing stuff, a lot of really smart, good stuff: gathering advice; pursuing the social worker, etc.
You just haven't seen the final results yet. And, as with child caring, the results may not be "final," but they will be done for now.

"What to do next"
My friend gave me this refrain: "Do the next right thing." I guess it's a short cut reminder of using priorities.

"How to get it all done"
Deep breath, again. Priorities, again.
You ARE making progress!


I live in a part of the USA where we almost never get tornadoes. They scare the sh*t out of me. The week before last, there was a tornado watch for my town. I was scared to death. We had maybe an hour of advance notice. I am not physically strong and can't move fast-- to get to the basement, for example. So, I got a big tote bag, and prioritized (!), and stuck my essential meds and financials in my tote. Then I felt a little better, actually, much better.

Seems to me that your life is on tornado watch now.
You need 3 bags- one for yourself; one for your husband and child; one for your parents. Only put in the essentials or you won't be able to carry any of them.
Seems like your bags are too heavy right now. What can you throw out?
*Is everybody fed? Have food for the next couple of meals?
*Is everyone clean enough?
My dermatologist says we don't need to shower everyday, just wipe off the face, crotch, pits, and feet everyday.
*Are medications okay?

When those 3 * things are done for the day, that's good enough for that day. That's excellent, actually! Give yourself credit!

Then, if you have the energy and inclination, you can chip away at some of the other, longer-term issues.

"Chipping away is plenty okay."
"Progress, not perfection."
(Taking a shower is "perfection."
Wiping off is "progress.")


My final suggestion: Go re-read Ginger's post : )

I hope my post helps...You remind me of me with my mother. Best wishes!!