You are going to have side effects with Tymlos. If you have side effects in the morning, from an evening shot, I suggest trying a morning shot and walking around, not staying in bed or on couch. But that's me.
When I have posted about ramping up and letting the body adjust, I didn't mean to give the impression that there would be no side effects.
I am very motivated because of my fractures and with scores below -3.5, there should be a reason for motivation too, though it is more abstract I think! For me, tolerability was staying out of the ER. Even the worse side effects I have ever had are over after 2-3 hours.
I am small too. My doc did say that a half dose is better than nothing but I would be nervous not getting to 6. You may not find there is that much difference between 4 and 6, or maybe it will be much harder. It is so individual. I find there is variability in side effects from day to day even on the same dose.
You can have a P1NP test to see how it is working at 4 clicks. And also a CTX which is more about turnover. That might be reassuring that you can stay on 4.
I am going to do 8 clicks for my last two months. I don't care how badly I feel at this point!
Windyshores, you are an inspiration to us all. I spend so much mental energy thinking about this drug and administering it (sometimes I still bruise), that I need to hear that people are truly making gains on it. I give myself pep talks all the time: you made it 3 months; you can make it 3 months more. Continued good luck on your journey.