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Has anyone been prescribed EB-N5?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Jun 9 9:30am | Replies (87)

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Good morning, John (@johnbishop)

Yikes! I hadn't thought about energy drinks, although I rarely drink one. What this thread has me thinking about, though, as I wait for USPS to deliver my EB-N5, are the other supplements I've been taking for a long, long time as part of my daily regimen, things like Centrum Silver, a B6 pill, B-Complex, others too (?). I'm going to have to check their labels to see how much B6 I'm already getting from supplements. Surely my doctor would be thinking about this, wouldn't you think? I suspect he is; he's very thorough. Nevertheless, it's conversations like this that remind me that, as a patient, I must never completely leave the bridge and let someone else steer the ship of my health all by himself.

Ray (@ray666)

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Replies to "Good morning, John (@johnbishop) Yikes! I hadn't thought about energy drinks, although I rarely drink one...."

Always good to ask. My new PCP recently ordered (via my mail order) a statin for cholesterol, one that my PCP 7 years ago stopped and that my last PCP didn't think was ideal for my barely high cholesterol. Last week I asked my new cardiologist about it and he said HELL NO, my overall heart risk factor from cholesterol (or something or other) was only 8%, so not to do it. I feel I have offended some doctors for questioning Heart/Neuropathy/Liver or drug interaction risks, but I've had several reversal of decisions, or admissions they need to get another opinion because they weren't sure, so I think we have to help them (and mostly ourselves) out sometimes since we one of the very many patients they have and we know the time constraints they have that adds risk to them not being able to do the deep dive on us for every (sometimes) quick decision or idea they may have. We're partners with them, not adversaries.