← Return to Excruciating chronic left side neck pain plus lumbar issues

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Hi Jennifer

How are you?

I am not getting better.

Can you please help me with this if you can?

I have noticed that it has been at least 3 weeks or more that when I go to sleep and place the right side of my head on the pillow, I get these intense deep pains in my left side of the neck which is excruciating. Then my right side is also getting extremely painful. This happens despite me taking pain medication.

The extreme pain is at the base of the neck, numbness, burning, pins and needles.

From my neck the pain travels to the legs and feet. They feel extremely tight, painful and numb. The toes hurt too. I also get shoulder pain in both sides, arms, fingers multiple pins and needles around the body. It feels as if I am getting stung by bees.

If you look at my latest MRI report on the previous message I also have lumbar issues.

Can multiple nerve compression in the neck cause cramps in the various muscles of the neck and head? MY neck is so stiff that I struggle to turn my head.
It feels like having cramps.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the pain management doctor who made me wait nearly a month despite my unmanageable pain. I feel that my doctors do not seem concerned about how hard it is to live life.

Maybe it is time to choose another doctor? I feel that if something is not done soon I may lose the ability to move around.

Thank you

Best regards


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Replies to "@jenniferhunter Hi Jennifer How are you? I am not getting better. Can you please help me..."

I am so sorry to hear of your terrible neck pain. I have neck issues as well, and I have been helped immensely by the upper cervical technique called Atlas Orthogonal. This is not a high velocity adjustment. When C1 and C2 are misaligned, it can cause pain throughout the neck and the entire body, impacting both your nervous system and immune system. You could perhaps check these doctors out on globalao.com to see if there is someone near you. I have been receiving this technique for 20 years, and I don't know what I would do without it. I do hope you will be able to find something that will ease your pain.