← Return to Withdrawal from Lexapro, Welbutrin, Lyrica, prescribed Ziprasidone.

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Hi @miss2sassy! Welcome to Connect! Congratulations on your withdraw progress... that is no easy task, so kudos for sticking through it. I think it is great that you are taking a critical eye to new prescriptions. It's so important that we be our own health advocates. Have you spoken to your doctor about the fact that your goal is to be on less medication? If not, that might help him understand where you are coming from, especially when you explain that you'd rather face the mild symptoms you have now than the possible side effects of the medication. Then, if you feel like they still aren't on the same page as you, it may be time to interview some other doctors. Especially when it comes to pain management and psychiatry, having a doctor you can trust is crucial.

In the meantime, here is some info on lifestyle changes that may help with your fibromyalgia in addition to reducing stress: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/fibromyalgia/basics/lifestyle-home-remedies/con-20019243. There are also alternative medicine options like acupuncture, massage and yoga that have shown promise in reducing symptoms. Have you tried any of those?

I'm tagging @edriaragosin, @luladavis, @gmonroe1986, @happymom, @learningtolive2, @Gavin and @mlemieux because they have all posted in the past about issues with fibromyalgia, pain management or similar medications to those you mentioned, and may have something to add to the conversation. Hopefully you all can help support each other!

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Replies to "Hi @miss2sassy! Welcome to Connect! Congratulations on your withdraw progress... that is no easy task, so..."

Thankyou for your response! I am eliminating as many stressful people, places, & things in my life and pacing my activities. Will check out the links you posted and the members you tagged. Thank you again for your suppirt!

Hi. I come from a family all on an antidepressant of some kind. My father has been on benzos 20mg for 20 plus years and I’m very worried for him. He says he needs the drug to keep working for his family, otherwise he gets very bad withdrawal side effects. Rehab is so expensive and at the moment he is the sole provider of the family. I’m very worried that he might get a heart Attack or enter a coma. I’m at a loss for what to do. Please advise.