Experiences with Gabapentin for hot flashes or Botox for incontinence?

Posted by hudsonlady @hudsonlady, Jun 29, 2023

After prostate surgery in 2019 and radiation with hormone therapy in 2022-23, aftereffects of incontinence and hot flashes continue to be intense 4 months after treatments ended. Doctor suggests Gabapentin for hot flashes and Botox for incontinence. Online reviews are mixed. Has anyone had experience with either of these or some other treatment that worked well.

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I showed my Doctor an article (reputable source) where Venlafaxine stopped the hot flashes for a man in his early 70’s. I was 72 at the time. It worked for me! 37.5 mg morning and evening.


I've been using Gabapentin for about a year. I am 75 w high risk PCa. Treatment has been IMRT, Lupron (16 mos), Zytiga (10mos). Gabapentin has aided in Hot Flashes, Sleep, and Anxiety. It has been an integral part of my treatment. Good luck! Stay cool.


What dose of gabapentin are you taking?


I had my first shot of Lupron about 3 weeks ago and so far my only side effects are a bit of fatigue and within the last weeks, I've been having occasional hot flashes. They are not really severe and they seem to fad away about about 5 minutes. Is this normal?

I am taking Gabapetin, 300 mg, two times a day but for a neurological problem. Is that helping with the hot flashes?


20 mg. of Paxil daily and my hot flashes went from 5 or 6 day and night to maybe one or two a day and very mild and short. 72 years old, Stage 4, metastasized to pelvis, Lupron and Eligard. I am also much easier to live with : >)

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