Need Radiotherapy guidance

Posted by zj69 @zj69, Mar 11, 2023


I went for RP last year Feb-2022. The pathology report came with a Gleason score of 3+5 and one pelvic node positive.

PSA test after 6 weeks: 0.017
PSA test after 4 Months: 0.075
PSA test after 8 months: 0.1
PSA test after 12 months: 0.21 (11-Mar-2023)

I need to know what treatment is best for RT+ADT. or wait till PSMA-PET is able to see it. Dr. said it could be a prostate bed. and chance it can spread to other areas. I did my surgery at Princess Margaret hospital Toronto.


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Hi, had RP 8 yrs ago (with clean margins) now with biochemical recurrence at the end of last year. PSA 0.28 x 2. PSMA PET scan showed no mets so Rad Onc proceeded with 37 rad treatments to the prostate bed. Finished end of March. Only side effect was tiredness. PSA last week was 0.02. Rad Onc did not feel I needed to take any med before or during treatment. Good Luck!


Totally agree. Better to have the rifle rather than the shotgun approach when it comes to Salvage Radiation. The great uncertainty is whether the PET scan will pick up the cancer at a PSA of .220 or .260. Like you I was fortunate that the PET scan picked up my cancer when my
PSA was at .370

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Hoping to start my radiotherapy (25sessions) followed by 3 X SBRT to infected node.
Can I ask yourself and others, how many weeks before radiotherapy began did you have the hormone therapy injection?
Good luck on your recovery.


Hoping to start my radiotherapy (25sessions) followed by 3 X SBRT to infected node.
Can I ask yourself and others, how many weeks before radiotherapy began did you have the hormone therapy injection?
Good luck on your recovery.

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I'm taking an oral medication, orgovyx, as opposed to the injections. I started taken the pills, one daily, about a week before the Salvage Radiation Started. 13 mos later..still taking them.


I'm taking an oral medication, orgovyx, as opposed to the injections. I started taken the pills, one daily, about a week before the Salvage Radiation Started. 13 mos later..still taking them.

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Do you have any symptoms you can share re orgovyx?Why did you choose this instead of injections?


Do you have any symptoms you can share re orgovyx?Why did you choose this instead of injections?

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It was recommended by my surgeon, his reasoning to me was it's believed that when you get off of it, you'll recover quicker and perhaps more fully. I'm post RP and Salvage radiation combined with the drug I have a PSA steady for the last nine mos at


It was recommended by my surgeon, his reasoning to me was it's believed that when you get off of it, you'll recover quicker and perhaps more fully. I'm post RP and Salvage radiation combined with the drug I have a PSA steady for the last nine mos at

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Thank you for sharing. Just started hormone shots (one of two) today and start 28 continuous proton radiation sessions next week. Just beginning.... Chose not to do RP. 4+3 (7) and PSA 16 (3 small lesions of cancer) but all contained in Prostrate. I am 63.

Wishing you much success with your treatment and continued recovery.


My Urology Oncologist and Radiology Oncologist both wanted PSMA Pet Scan prior starting Treatments, once cleared started Eligard then 2mos later 39 radiation treatments


Although it is great to get information from fellow prostrate cancer sufferers I think it is important for you to get opinions from several different providers and ensure they have latetest treatments available. You will get a lot of different opinions but places lke Mayo, UFPTI, Cleveland Clinic, John Hopkins, NIH, American Cancer Society, and Mayo Care area excellent sources.

Your treatment really needs to be catered to you specifically. We all have prostrate cancer but all are different stages, types, affected tissues, ages, medical and mental conditions and you really need to get a much information from professionals. I would use others for how they personally handled things, side affects, where they went, what this or that provider had for treatments, and what they learned in their searches.

Good luck, I am in my last week of a 6 week therapy using Proton radiation. Got the symptoms they told me I would get with some fatique, reduced urine flow. But a good provider will have so much experience you will know all this before even getting treated. I am not sure where you live. Mayo in Florida does not have proton therapy yet (are builing a cancer center which will have proton treatments) so I chose UFPTI which has been doing proton radiation treatments since 2006 and where Mayo refers patients to that need to have specific proton therapy for their type of cancer versus radiation (photon) they they offer.


Given the Gleason Score, the time to recurrence and the pathology report, you may want to consider doublet or triplet therapy as it's aggressive as evidenced by your clinical data.

Here's one source to get you started on your information search -

You have advanced prostate cancer, mono therapy is not really an option.

Here's my clinical history, like you, aggressive, requiring aggressive management.

Your choice in consultation with your medical team as whether to do doublet, say radiation to the prostate bed, pelvic lymph nodes and ADT (and for how long) or go triplet and add chemotherapy or an ARI such as Zytiga...


Hoping to start my radiotherapy (25sessions) followed by 3 X SBRT to infected node.
Can I ask yourself and others, how many weeks before radiotherapy began did you have the hormone therapy injection?
Good luck on your recovery.

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My Urologist and Radiation Onc said it was not needed. But that's just me.

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