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I was given “Pregabalin” for nerve pain due to a mild case of shingles . I’ve been on Clonazepam ( klonopin) since 2014 when my dad passed … tried to come off of them after 4 months of refills .. cold turkey ? I didn’t know anything about wds ? Lol I soon found out ! I can only describe it as someone kicking me through the gates of hell .. so I tried tapering for 9 months . That was torture !!! Every two weeks when I would just get used to that certain dosage I was back in wds again .. it was like having the flu for one week .. but after like 10 ( 1 week flus ) I couldn’t take it anymore and I’m sure my husband can vouch for that as well as my co workers ( depressed ? Wasn’t the same person )
However , getting back to the present . I was prescribed like I said at the beginning “ Pregabalin” well , I guess it helped my nerve pain all along my back and shoulder. Under armpits . Where the rash had been . But after taking it for 2 weeks it seemed to be now in my system . I felt calm ? Things that used to worry me to no end , even with clonazepam? We’re gone .. I found that I was taking my clonazepam but after a few days I noticed that I wasn’t counting them or even going to grab one ? Went a few days without them ? I took a quarter of a piece each day …now I’ve never heard of this drug . I’ve heard of “Gabapentin “ and this would be in the same family .. but wow ? Now maybe it won’t last ? But if it at least takes me to the point that I’m over the time period for wds from clonazepam? Idc ? It really has helped my anxiety .. I feel like cleaning and rearranging my furniture again ? Making sure that dishes are always done .. things that I haven’t been interested in over 10 yrs ..I would force myself ? But mostly my husband would do them .. so I’ve tried and read up on every drug out there to help me with benzo wds .. nothing came remotely close to this drug ..I called my dr 2 weeks later and asked him ( before checking Google ) can this drug taking for nerve pain also make me less worried , anxious and not needing my clonazepam??? He said “ yes “ some people have reported that they felt calmer with this drug or gabapentin as well..and yes .,hed much rather see me on this drug or one similar than clonazepam… so he sent in for another refill .. and raised my dosage for now .. so I’ll see what happens ? I only take 400 mgs per day but he told me that there are people who are taking 36,00 mgs per day .. I’m sure that’s what he said as I told him my dad was taking 900 mgs a day of gabapentin, I thought that was a lot . Anyway so far so good . I’m sleeping perfect ! And happy to get out during the day ..I just feel like I did 10 yrs before I started taking clonazepam.. the only reason I stayed on it ( bc it wasn’t helping me ) but it was the horrible wds so I had no choice . Now I’m not sure if this one is addictive too ? But according to my dr he’d much rather see me on this one if it’s helping my overall mental health . I’d have to say it’s a miracle drug for me . So happy I came down with shingles ?? 😂😂❤️❤️.

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Replies to "I was given “Pregabalin” for nerve pain due to a mild case of shingles . I’ve..."

Please keep in mind how addictive this drug is and you will eventually have to taper this one too. The withdrawal is similar to benzodiazepines.

I've seen news reports on gabapentin and it can be just as nasty or worse. People have reported it took as much as a year for wd. Be careful and really do your research.