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I had Nasopharyngeal Cancer in 2014. Found out I had it in early October. Had the 35 radiation treatments. Done the day after Christmas. What a gift. I was so ready for it to be over. In many many ways. I had that camera up my nose so many times I can't count. Had thrush. They were very worried about that. Took about two months to finally get rid of it. Lost some of my hair. At the back of my neck. Lost about thirty pounds and am not looking for it at all. It can stay lost. After coming home from the hospital with the feeding tube I tried and literally couldn't eat. So I lived on milkshakes for a year. Boost powder and liquid, good ice cream and heavy whipping cream. Two a day. My problems that are lasting are still after all this time. No saliva to speak of. I use Biotene gel. Lots of it. I have no tastebuds that work. Nothing tastes like it used to. They said it should come back in a few months. I'm still waiting. With no saliva it's difficult to eat. you need it to break up food. So you drink and get full to quickly. Sometimes when I think about food I get half sick. "I'm sure that's all in my head". It's hard for me to eat what I cook. That's probably my biggest problem. I took naps for probably a good year after I was done with treatments. Very seldom now. The mild depression I had before has multiplied by probably 80 now. I have to go to a specialist dentist that deals with problems like mine and I use a flouride treatment daily. And unfortunately I don't have any insurance that they accept. $$$$ Lots out of my pocket. My hearing is slowly getting to the point that I'll need hearing aids soon. Could be age partly. Since my head is dry so are my eyes, throat and sinuses. I also use Simply Saline Daily Care to relieve dryness. Works wonders. My memory is horrible. I'm sure mostly due to the radiation treatments. And I have wrinkles that you wouldn't believe but.. BUT with all of this I'm still here. I am willing to answer any questions anyone has that I can. It isn't easy to live with but somehow we do it. Also they decided that my cancer was caused by HPV. Which I knew I had years before and was told it was gone. Of course how was I to know that I would end up with this kind of cancer or any kind. I also want to say that I have been a very lucky lady to have been put in the hands of the doctors that I have. I love them like no one can ever imagine. I had the best of care from everyone. Nurses, doctors, the people that took me to treatments when I was in the hospital, the dietary staff, the people that did the testing for my throat when I had my horrible case of thrush. All of these people were great to me and I tried my best not to be needy and I NEVER gave anyone a difficult time. I don't believe in being a DEMANDING horrible person. None of them deserve it. I was at Seidman Cancer Hospital in Cleveland Ohio and would recommend it to anyone. I think that I will always have things that aren't the same as before I was sick but I've learned to live with them. I hope that maybe my "story" might help someone. Thanks for reading.

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Replies to "I had Nasopharyngeal Cancer in 2014. Found out I had it in early October. Had the..."

Hello @snotbox2014 , great handle by the way. I think most people and many doctors will never understand what we have been through and continue to live with. However, that said, I think it just might make us appreciate life a little more than most.
I think you can help people out on these discussions so I would hope you get a feel for how this all works and help people especially with Nasopharyngeal Cancer, which is a rare one on these pages. Sorry you have had and continue to suffer the consequences of radiation and treatments. At least now you don't have to suffer alone. I got through my nightmare with the help of others in this forum. So, welcome.