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Thank you. I treat locally in the twin cities clinic and visit with mayo with scans. They offered me no studies but said to do gemcitabine abraxane but no pamrevulab
Where is this study offered. .can I find on clinical trials.gov.It feels like err they as re N oy a sd aggressive in the as many as the other could be.plz help as my ability to do eebsiye search decreases. I have kras mutation too and they tell me its in my bone s as well.

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Replies to "Thank you. I treat locally in the twin cities clinic and visit with mayo with scans...."

I am so very sorry Patel. You can find the information on this study on the Precision Promise Trial but I believe the pamrevulab arm is full- it is not a cure, the pamrevulab eats through the shell of the tumor so the other drugs can work better.
When my husband started both hospitals said he might have 18 Months to live, although we are hoping to be one of those people that defies the odds. God Bless You and your family.