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Post-COVID Recovery is a Paradox

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Jul 22, 2023 | Replies (38)

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Yeahhhhh..Re: Relocating - based on everything I read on this 'entire site under the Post COVID Recovery Board', it does appear it'll be a crapshoot. However, if I 'never mention the word COVID' and focus on 'complaining about a few key symptoms' I might have better luck - but again - still outside my region. We have no 'Immunologists' and I need one, based on 'my research' of 'everywhere' - today finding 'Immune Deficiency Foundation' and long-story-short the one symptom sending me to 'IMMUNOLOGY' for ALL Specialties, is my 'persistent, chronic swollen Lymph Nodes'. Despite repeated requests to be 'REFERRED' to a 'SPECIALIST' my 'PRIMARY' is MILKING ME FOR MONEY (me and insurance) and clearly so. I'd get more colorful on the subject but... 'Terms and Conditions' apply, here. Suffice to say, he isn't qualified to help me - he knows it - I know it - there are no Immunologists within commuting area - there is one (1) in a 200 mile radius - and my guy REALLY MUST CONTROL every appointment, never asks why I made the appointment but enters the room and jumps right into a laundry list of 'Things appropriaite to my Age and Gender, pushing 'Income-Producing' products for 'The Practice'. I mean, it doesn't take a genius to deduce this but since I am actually a genius with decades of experience in 'Analyses' as well as Sales Training, Business Management, Marketing, etcetera, it's impossible to miss what's going on here, in my case. 'Analyses and Research' is the foundation of this board, after all, as evidenced by 37 pages (presently) of topics and discussions with sub-content within each. Nobody is coming to save me and everyone 'out here in the physical world I have any contact with related to this matter' are a combination of doubters, deniers, avoiders and grifters. One can 'pray' and have 'faith' all one wishes but the fact of the matter is that only testing and elimination and deduction and analyses is going to get me where I need to be - and 'all of that' will require resources that are 'Ready, Willing and Able' to support. Therefore, one will either seek then find that 'Collective Combination' and facilitate their own cure (or inability to cure) or, one will fail to satisfy all facets of 'The Combo required for The Cure', therefore relegating oneself to 'whatever nature has in store for them'. This is the 'BLUF' (Bottom Line Up Front) for all things, 'Post COVID Recovery'. I ain't going to be able to fix this problem on my own, for a change. Hence, honest reflection and realistic expectations must be level set. I may get lucky and find a doctor who is sympathetic (oh, how I'd love that) and willing to prescribe some medication that addresses 'some symptoms' (like, 'Inflammation', for example). If I find the motivation to 'continue making calls and searching internet and extending range I am willing to travel and fund extended stays (e.g., hotels, restaurants, fuel, flights) while experiencing 'malaise' and 'fatigue' and then the matter of 'limited available funds' is another factor influencing my own initiative and motivation and reducing my ability to be, 'Ready, Willing and Able' to pursue the goal of improving my own health in a healthcare desert region of a national healthcare system failing to establish the infrastructure and support environment necessary to do so, for 'legitimate 'Post-COVID-Recovery'. I don't believe in unicorns nor can I 'tra-la-la' my way through it on 'faith and prayer and advice of pastors or priests'. So let's be real. I'm experimenting as much as the next guy/gal on this board. I'm as driven as the driven. But, you know, all things are not-equal for all 'the afflicted'. There will be, should be studies on 'How Many Committed Suicide As a Result of a Failure to Receive Care Related to Long COVID'. Miserable, desperate, broken, lost hope and determine for themselves there was no way out and the best option left to them. (Do not follow up with me on this and inquire if I need help - I do not - but clearly many others will - and/or could have benefited by now from actually getting some. Just read the board - and between the lines - it's easy enough to find the sentiment when one knows what to look for and 'listen to'.) Meanwhile, I'ma go have another espresso...

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Replies to "Yeahhhhh..Re: Relocating - based on everything I read on this 'entire site under the Post COVID..."

I second the espresso idea...I Don’t do coffee...makes be bounce off the wall...but I actually do a V8 diet Energy drink first thing in the morning. It kickstarts the body out of overwhelming fatigue after a full nights sleep. In fact they ought to look at caffeine as part of a solution to long haul fatigue which is the worst of the worst problems sine you have to grasp moments of functioning to address other issues. AND as for Long Haul Clinics they are essentially a gathering of providers that are making a killing on claims and getting while the getting is good. If the clinics had effective treatments don’t you think the word would spread?
And never mind a doctor who him/her self a long haul doctor. No such animal. Only another way to lure patients in. No magic answers yet .
So, I see the approach as the process of elimination. Take each symptom and Google the specialist that deals with it. Go and let them order the necessary tests that will let you know that it is not life threatening. Do this with each symptom. It gives you some peace of mind. I am having a lung scan next week. After that I will go to a cardiovascular doctor to check fo any blockages to eliminate possibility of stroke...And then I will go to a 6 th neurologist....etc.
Lots of anger and frustration in our giant group of members of Long Haulers Anonymous.... No one but us knows our dilemma. They can only imagine...
And no one has answers that we have discovered...So it will probably be us curing ourselves with the determination to do so by going from resource to resource and researching constantly on the internet for advances. Glad I’m not alone in this and grateful I’m was not in the 800,000 who couldn’t make it.