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5 months post TKR

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Sep 22, 2023 | Replies (40)

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I don't know the answer, but swelling is slow to decrease when you have to sit for such long periods. Is there any chance you could work from home and find a way to either use a recliner or otherwise get some elevation for the knee, take more frequent walking breaks, and ice?

Without other info, that sounds like the issue. Fortunately I was retired when I had my knees replaced. I wish you all the best.

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Replies to "I don't know the answer, but swelling is slow to decrease when you have to sit..."

I work as a call center rep 2-4 days a week and calls come in back to back. I try to get 15 minutes in at least once a day, which isn’t always possible and I take extra steps when I get up to get prints and mailings. Working from home is not an option at this point. I also ice my knee. I recently bought ice bags with screw in lids and have a velcro strap so I don’t have keep holding it in place. I ordered from TEMU.