Has anyone heard of Kratom or tried it?

Posted by stuckonu @stuckonu, Nov 9, 2022

Doing a search with the word Kratom came up 0

Has anyone heard of KRATOM or better yet tried it?

I purchased a bottle of it about a year ago but after reading the words of people who do not believe in nonFDA approved medication it scared me.

Recently I watched a documentary about it that changed my mind.

There was only 24 pills so now I’m going to buy another bottle.

I think a bigger sample size is needed to know for sure about its effectiveness.

If anyone else has tried it I’d like to know

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I've definitely heard of kratom and have tried it before. It can be helpful for managing pain, reducing anxiety, and even improving focus and productivity. However, it's important to use it responsibly and be aware of the potential risks, like addiction and liver damage.

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I tried kratom about 6 months ago for Chronic pain and it did not help.


Hey there! I've definitely heard of kratom before and have actually tried it a few times myself


My son was taking Kratom along with other recreational drugs for a few years (he is now 28). When he tried to stop taking it he went into a state of psychosis and had to be intubated until the withdrawal symptoms passed (5 days). The doctor said he had seen the same thing happen before with Kratom withdrawal. There is very little information about how people respond to it and it can be very dangerous. Each person is different of course.
I have fibromyalgia and have suffered from chronic pain for years. I am certainly not opposed to alternative treatments but in my experience, Kratom may not be worth the risk.


“mitragynine is not structurally similar to traditional opioid medications.”

difference between kratom and traditional opioids…lack beta-arrestin-2 recruitment, which may explain reduced side effects and risk of respiratory depression seen with kratom”

Volume 20, Issue 5
A Kratom Primer: Miracle Medicine or Herb of Abuse
Sept 2020

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But kratom can suppress the respiratory system if you have too much. Doses aren't regulated so that's why it's illegal to ship and was seized at the border on an episode of "To catch a smuggler". They also give it to heroin addicts that are having withdrawals.


I have mentioned this once a while ago on this subject- my husband’s nephew died secondary to taking too much Kratom. He always believed more is better.


I've definitely heard of kratom and have tried it before. It can be helpful for managing pain, reducing anxiety, and even improving focus and productivity. However, it's important to use it responsibly and be aware of the potential risks, like addiction and liver damage.

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Hi, I haven't tried Kratom, however I am interested in it as I need two spinal fusions and they both had to be put on hold because I was diagnosed with something else that is more important. In saying that, I am in pain every day and will not take narcotics. Why did you stop Kratom, did you get better? Was it difficult to get off of?


My son was taking Kratom along with other recreational drugs for a few years (he is now 28). When he tried to stop taking it he went into a state of psychosis and had to be intubated until the withdrawal symptoms passed (5 days). The doctor said he had seen the same thing happen before with Kratom withdrawal. There is very little information about how people respond to it and it can be very dangerous. Each person is different of course.
I have fibromyalgia and have suffered from chronic pain for years. I am certainly not opposed to alternative treatments but in my experience, Kratom may not be worth the risk.

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If you can obtain it, try Delta 9 CBD with THC. Start with 5 mgs and work your way up until you reach an effective amount for your needs. I use 25 mgs at night to mask the pain in my knees. Generally keeps me sedated for 8 hours.


I wouldn't touch the stuff until the scientific community is done vetting it and gives it a thumbs up. Until then the risk is way too high for me. Plus this drug needs controls, like dosage, side effect warnings, and the like. It would definitely be a controlled substance like opioids.


I wouldn't touch the stuff until the scientific community is done vetting it and gives it a thumbs up. Until then the risk is way too high for me. Plus this drug needs controls, like dosage, side effect warnings, and the like. It would definitely be a controlled substance like opioids.

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I'm with you @timbrownfl

"On Thursday, June 30, as part of the FDA's efforts to protect consumers, the agency issued warning letters, jointly with the Federal Trade Commission, to four companies selling unapproved kratom products and one company selling essential oils for the treatment or cure of opioid use disorder and withdrawal symptoms. Jul 5, 2022"
--- FDA Roundup: July 5, 2022: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-roundup-july-5-2022


If you can obtain it, try Delta 9 CBD with THC. Start with 5 mgs and work your way up until you reach an effective amount for your needs. I use 25 mgs at night to mask the pain in my knees. Generally keeps me sedated for 8 hours.

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Is this in the form of gummies? Do you buy it at a store vs on-line? How do you know what you are buying is good quality with consistent strengths of CBD and THC?

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