Any testimonies where cancer didn't return?

Posted by Rom828 @jgallagher04921, Jun 4, 2023

I am new to this support group ( few weeks), but from what I have read there seems to be a trend with cancer coming back ( with all different diagnosis and treatment types). As I am still in the process of deciding on treatment, I'm starting to wonder " why bother going through all the side effects and feel ugly in the process if she-devil is just going to return".

Is there anyone out there that can speak to their win of cancer not coming back. What was ur diagnosis and treatment plan.. how long has it been since u were diagnosed?

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Thank you for your reply. That is so good to hear of your husbands good results on Zometa! I am praying that it will be of great help to me too! You are a great example for all of us on the journey! In your 90s and doing your very best to stay well and enjoy life. I hope the Mcus is treatable and you are doing well. I am getting PT for my compression fractures, T6 and T7 and it is helping! Hope your Doc has set you up for PT.
It's so good to hear from a woman on our journey who has reached her 90s! That's my goal!

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My doctor has not mentioned any treatment for the compression fracture. I also broke a rib at the same time as the compression fracture, and I think I mentioned the Hematologist suggested that I stop the Ibanatol so he may feel it is best just to leave things alone.


My doctor has not mentioned any treatment for the compression fracture. I also broke a rib at the same time as the compression fracture, and I think I mentioned the Hematologist suggested that I stop the Ibanatol so he may feel it is best just to leave things alone.

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That may be. I am going to a Physical Therapy place that specializes in spines. There are very gentle exercises the PT is having me do. Maybe at age 92 it's best not to do any. Good luck❤️


I just saw some gentle exercises for older people, mostly stretching. Very important to fight osteoporosis. I am still very active, but no longer drive. Hard to make regular visits.


I totally hear you. I have to be up on all medical procedures and advocate for myself.

Last incorrect procedure is that neither eye doctor or tech did glaucoma test on me. I need special drops and they use a hand held device. Eye dr. can do glaucoma test by the machine too. Had to go to another site of theirs next day as I realized they did not do it. Original office, when contacted, said that my eyes were ok and did not need it done. This must be done.

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My cancer was completely over sighted by radiation technicians . I had yearly ultrasound order on entire breasts. However technician only focused on one benign nodule and year after year the report was good. If the breast cancer surgeon was responsible, she would “correct” it and had technician gave me entire breast scan. Three years later (missed three entire breast scan because technician didn’t follow doctors order), when they finally found cancer because my chest bone was so swollen and painful, cancer already spread to lymph node and I had to do mastectomy and lymph node dissection and chemo.


I understand how scary and uncertain this situation must time can feel.
I was diagnosed with the her2 positive Brest cancer, with lymph node involvement. This was aggressive, and at 47, I was so scared.
For me, I relied on my faith, and completely trusted my team of Doctors. I wanted to live, even though I lost my hair, got so sick, and at times I felt like I wasn’t going to make it. I had chemo for 18 months, and a double mastectomy. I also took tamoxifen for 5 years.
Yes, I cried a lot, I wondered if I could make it, but my faith and support from family and friends carried me through!
I have learned so much.
I am a Survivor! 12 years out!!
My hair grew back really fast!
I still have annual visits with my oncologist, and the cancer is still gone!!
I live my life with gratitude .
I wish you strength and hope as you go through your journey.


I understand how scary and uncertain this situation must time can feel.
I was diagnosed with the her2 positive Brest cancer, with lymph node involvement. This was aggressive, and at 47, I was so scared.
For me, I relied on my faith, and completely trusted my team of Doctors. I wanted to live, even though I lost my hair, got so sick, and at times I felt like I wasn’t going to make it. I had chemo for 18 months, and a double mastectomy. I also took tamoxifen for 5 years.
Yes, I cried a lot, I wondered if I could make it, but my faith and support from family and friends carried me through!
I have learned so much.
I am a Survivor! 12 years out!!
My hair grew back really fast!
I still have annual visits with my oncologist, and the cancer is still gone!!
I live my life with gratitude .
I wish you strength and hope as you go through your journey.

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Can you please provide on the treatment you received? Did you do kadcyla after surgery or any radiation? I have similar diagnosis. I am on round 9 of kadcyla. Had to stop it for 3 treatments due to lung issues. Did you go with reconstruction? I am waiting to replace expanders with implants.


I can't comment as I am only just about 3 years out from TNBC diagnosis, and basically it's a waiting game until year 5. I was 38 now 41.

BUT, my grandma had breast cancer in the 1960s as a 40/50 year old woman and lived to 96.



I am a bit alarmed when I hear that someone is thinking about not being treated for a breast cancer diagnosis. It will not go away on its own. The odds for survival are so much greater with treatment than no treatment. Do it for those who love you and to have the best chance to live more years. That said, we all have our own choices to make and that should be respected.


Can you please provide on the treatment you received? Did you do kadcyla after surgery or any radiation? I have similar diagnosis. I am on round 9 of kadcyla. Had to stop it for 3 treatments due to lung issues. Did you go with reconstruction? I am waiting to replace expanders with implants.

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I am 16 months out from double mastectomy and sentinel dissection - radiation followed and 14 rounds of kadcyla - (I completed 11)
May 8th I had my reconstruction - spacers were never inflated but were always uncomfortable- my reconstruction was small 225cc with fat graph.
It feels so natural and painless, compared to the horrible spacers!
I am 9 weeks out feel amazing and have 3 months check ups for the next 5 years!
I feel my new normal is amazing!
All completed at Mayo MN
I did as well as excpected on the chemo, radiated skin is ok, reconstruction feels amazing! Small B/C cup. Most important emotionally feel great and cancer free/clear!!
Connect was a support along the way!


8 1/2 years...did two mastectomies and 5 years letrozole.

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