Over-Expectation of Tipping These Days!

Posted by covidstinks2023 @covidstinks2023, Jun 17, 2023

Please no negative comments precious folks. Am I the only one that feels like tipping has gotten out of hand? I am an excellent tipper for services rendered. I tip my Hairdresser, Grocery Delivery, Pizza Delivery, Restaurants, Online pickup for food orders (I struggle with this one!) , Manicurist (birthday only) & Massage Therapist (Very rarely have these anymore), etc., I like everyone else am on a budget and everything has gotten so expensive. The services rendered have gone up in price as well and I truly understand that. Some thoughts please. Thank you and blessings to all!

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Friends, I think that my post may have been taken the wrong way. I wish I had not posted it, but, I do not know how to remove it. My heart was in the right place when I posted it. I just had a question. I am a very generous tipper, I just asked if there was an over expectation of tipping in our day. I explained why I asked that. I am a very giving individual to services rendered when they are good services. I go above and beyond to be honest. Thanks to all that replied. Blessings to all.


Respectfully, you can’t know that I have been trimming my own at, least when I have hair for years. I did take my elderly aunt to a salon for years until she passed and the hairdresser charged 20.00 for a full cut or 5.00 for bang trim. I would give her a card with money at Christmas and on her birthday.
You also can’t know if she was good bad or otherwise. She did an excellent job and I would go to her in a heartbeat if I needed to.
You can’t know that she doesn’t rent her stations out, she has two employees that she pays more than she pays herself because they are single mothers.
Just a thought, but I might try to look for ways to uplift others, and walk a mile in others shoes so to speak. I look for ways to help out and be of service when I can.

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Trimming your own hair if you can is a blessing your very fortunate 🌈

Sorry but I'm tired of tipping for everything that's ALL..

I'm a very giving person and always have been but it's definitely getting out of hand and I was directing my comments more toward those who over charge for services to begin with so a $20 haircut isn't much when I have it and if I don't then talking about tips makes no sense then 🥴

Listen so much has to change and it will mark my words it will you can give till you're blue in the face that's an individual choice and let's please just leave it at that👍🏻👍🏻

There are so many people who don't make a lot of money that do not get TIPS I wonder if others feel sorry for them I do but I can't afford to TIP the entire WORLD either I care and I'm a good person and that's ALL I can say Amen 🌈


No matter what, how, when or where, I tip 20% of the bill….I’ve done that ever since I can remember….I figure, “They need it more than I do”!


To each his/her own. My son worked in the “industry “ and taught us how to tip. All our money is EARNED and now we are on a fixed income. When service is good we tip well. If the service is not good we don't tip. An example, during COVID my wife paid her hairstylist the whole time with tip through Zelle (because he was not able to work).


To each his/her own. My son worked in the “industry “ and taught us how to tip. All our money is EARNED and now we are on a fixed income. When service is good we tip well. If the service is not good we don't tip. An example, during COVID my wife paid her hairstylist the whole time with tip through Zelle (because he was not able to work).

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I totally agree and feel the same way! Blessings....


My wife chuckled on this one.
“A poet
and didn’t know it
but the toes show it


Per an article in Time magazines tipping in the US started after the Civil War. Many former slaves had to take jobs as waiters but were paid no wages so depended on the generosity of patrons to tip them.

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