← Return to My PN? What do you mean it's "progressive"?


My PN? What do you mean it's "progressive"?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Jun 23, 2023 | Replies (36)

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Good morning, Susan (@SusanEllen66)

I hadn't heard of Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa. You say it's large fiber, too, like mine. Of course, I'm still guessing, going by what I've been reading about PN's various symptoms. I've only had my diagnosis of idiopathic PN, but I'll be meeting with my doctor in a few weeks, and I'm hoping we'll be able to refine my diagnosis a little bit at that time.

I'm so glad to hear you say that your PN, as progressive as it's shown itself to be, is not a "huge issue." That speaks of resilience! I applaud you for that. I can only hope to be half as resilient as I continue living with my PN.

I also applaud your saying that every moment of living is a gift. I've had moments since my PN came along when I doubted that. I've recently learned that keeping my spirits up is a matter of reframing each day, rearranging my ambitions, and holding topmost in mind the many things I can still do. I can regret the many things I can no longer do, but what purpose would that serve? Between the "can do" and the "no longer can do," I'd rather I appreciate the former and not dwell on the latter.


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Replies to "Good morning, Susan (@SusanEllen66) I hadn't heard of Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa. You say it's large fiber,..."

@ray666 Hi Ray,
Cutaneous Polyarteritis Nodosa is a very rare form of Vasculitis. It’s an autoimmune disease.
It damages the arteries. In turn, the damaged arteries caused damage to my large fiber nerves. So, I have PN, and Raynaud’s disease.
