
Posted by woundedbear64 @woundedbear64, Jun 18, 2023

I've been taking opioid pain medication for over thirty years now, I have had trouble with constipation as a young man, but after adding in the opioid it's gotten out of hand.
Does anyone have any good remedies for constipation, or at least stool softening?
I naturally only have a bowel movement once a week, the doctor said some people are like that, but add in rock hard stool, and constipation and you have a great deal of pain to deal with.
I think straining on the toilet is what caused my current spinal cord problems, I have two shunts, so I'm not supposed to strain, but I just can't help it, any help will be well appreciated!
Thank you.

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@kilh I haven't tried it but they do say in the directions that it's best mixed with room temperature liquids. It's like most fibers and doesn't really have a taste. I usually put 1 or 2 teaspoons in an empty cup and gradually add water while stirring with a fork. It does bubble a little but mixes in with water. I have a lot of gas also but no abdominal pain or cramping. It just makes the BMs noisy 🙃and like baby cannons if you know what I mean. They also sell some Tummy Fiber tea which I like and is for gas and bloating so maybe I will try mixing a couple of teaspoons of the fiber with the tea tonight and let you know.

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@kilh I made myself a cup of their Fennel Tea and put 1 tsp of the tummy fiber in and stirred a few seconds (first picture) and did get it pretty much mixed in by stirring another 3 to 4 minutes with a fork. It does turn into a glob when you drop in a teaspoon and they recommend adding it a little at a time like you are sprinkling but I'm an old man with the shakes that you would think that would help with sprinkling but it doesn't 🙂


Hi Woundedbear64,
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation! That must be awful for you!

I can recommend a home remedy for constipation that my mom always gave me. I'm 77 and still use it. It's natural but may be a little harsh. It's a teaspoon or more, if needed, of baking soda (the kind you cook with – Arm and Hammer) dissolved in a glass of water. Drink the whole glass. You may want to squeeze a little lemon juice in it to make it taste better. It tastes awful, but it works. Stay near the bathroom. It works fairly fast. By the way, this also helps get rid of gas and bloating. After it works, try and drink a lot of water to keep from being dehydrated.

Eating certain foods also help such as prunes, fruit, nuts etc. But you probably already know that.
I hope this remedy helps you.


Hi Woundedbear64,
I'm so sorry to hear about your situation! That must be awful for you!

I can recommend a home remedy for constipation that my mom always gave me. I'm 77 and still use it. It's natural but may be a little harsh. It's a teaspoon or more, if needed, of baking soda (the kind you cook with – Arm and Hammer) dissolved in a glass of water. Drink the whole glass. You may want to squeeze a little lemon juice in it to make it taste better. It tastes awful, but it works. Stay near the bathroom. It works fairly fast. By the way, this also helps get rid of gas and bloating. After it works, try and drink a lot of water to keep from being dehydrated.

Eating certain foods also help such as prunes, fruit, nuts etc. But you probably already know that.
I hope this remedy helps you.

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@pml I remember my mom telling me about using baking soda but I'm not sure I would give it a try based on possible rare side effects and there's not much evidence that it works. If I tried it, I would really be careful on how much and often. You might want to check out the rare side effects of using it listed here:

--- Using Baking Soda for Constipation Relief:


Plant based foods -- good for the planet, good for general health including absence of health problems -- from not restful sleep or Constipation.
- Start my day with two to three cups of cold water
- Eat plenty of variety of fruits
- Most food are steamed (potatoes, carrots, and Kale or the wrinkly kind)
- Mostly vegetable oil

Physical Activity:
- Start my day with yoga / Pilates stretches
- Stand many hours each day, especially on long phone calls
- Do pull ups (upto one and a half! Yes that my limit in my 8th decade)
- Dips in stairwell and walking often all 12 floors
- Walk briskly each day at least 30 minutes; an hour+ about once a week

Intellectual Activity:
- Serious reading about mental health issues; Top disability issue (WHO)
- Solve for fun Sudoku or Wordle games
- Each day I start with what's most important work in my Life today

Thank goodness, no need yet for any meds, tests, doctor visits

Good luck, my friend!


What works for me isn’t for everyone, but it does work. I eat approximately the same food or types and amounts every day, so I went online to buy some fiber pills. I take a mix of general fiber, fine fiber, and extra-fine fiber with every meal. My mix is down almost to a “science” in that often times I wipe only once, there’s nothing on the toilet paper! Which is a blessing for me; it might work for you as well.

Oh yeah, I also drink a lot more bottled water than I used to. They say over 75% of people are close to dehydrated, but I don’t drink it cold, just at room temperature, because you will naturally drink more than if it’s cold.

God bless you.


Plant based foods -- good for the planet, good for general health including absence of health problems -- from not restful sleep or Constipation.
- Start my day with two to three cups of cold water
- Eat plenty of variety of fruits
- Most food are steamed (potatoes, carrots, and Kale or the wrinkly kind)
- Mostly vegetable oil

Physical Activity:
- Start my day with yoga / Pilates stretches
- Stand many hours each day, especially on long phone calls
- Do pull ups (upto one and a half! Yes that my limit in my 8th decade)
- Dips in stairwell and walking often all 12 floors
- Walk briskly each day at least 30 minutes; an hour+ about once a week

Intellectual Activity:
- Serious reading about mental health issues; Top disability issue (WHO)
- Solve for fun Sudoku or Wordle games
- Each day I start with what's most important work in my Life today

Thank goodness, no need yet for any meds, tests, doctor visits

Good luck, my friend!

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Very good advice, thank you.
I have syringomyelia along with a few other health problems.
Unfortunately I'm not in as good as health as you are, and I'm probably 20 years or more younger than you.
But they say it's never to late to get on the right track.


What works for me isn’t for everyone, but it does work. I eat approximately the same food or types and amounts every day, so I went online to buy some fiber pills. I take a mix of general fiber, fine fiber, and extra-fine fiber with every meal. My mix is down almost to a “science” in that often times I wipe only once, there’s nothing on the toilet paper! Which is a blessing for me; it might work for you as well.

Oh yeah, I also drink a lot more bottled water than I used to. They say over 75% of people are close to dehydrated, but I don’t drink it cold, just at room temperature, because you will naturally drink more than if it’s cold.

God bless you.

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Thank you very much for the advice!


@pml I remember my mom telling me about using baking soda but I'm not sure I would give it a try based on possible rare side effects and there's not much evidence that it works. If I tried it, I would really be careful on how much and often. You might want to check out the rare side effects of using it listed here:

--- Using Baking Soda for Constipation Relief:

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Hi John,
Interesting article! However, did you notice that the rare side effects result from using too much baking soda? I don't think that 1 teaspoon or so would be considered too much which is what I use. I've used baking soda and water for constipation for 70 years and have never had any of these side effects. Plus the way baking soda and water tastes is awful; even with lemon juice! No one would want to use it too often. I certainly don't want to use it anymore than I have to because of the taste! However, it is natural and it does work!


Does your doctor know you are having rock hard stools? If not contact them. Even if they know contact them again and tell them exactly what you told us. Tell them you must have relief.


Thank you, I did.
They told me about stool softeners and laxatives.

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