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My PN? What do you mean it's "progressive"?

Neuropathy | Last Active: Jun 23, 2023 | Replies (36)

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Ray- I want to join the porch coffee club too!
I’m in my 6th year following PN diagnosis and the balance issues and the numbness/tingling/discomfort is advancing. I think once you get a definitive diagnosis following all the testing, once you go to PT and get a personalized Home Exercise Program, once you research through the links this site provides, you just have to get on with life and ignore the “Big Picture”, because it is the truth that there is no cure, the doctors don’t have the answers we would love to hear. It’s a lone journey and you just gotta work with what you got 😊
I too was very active, I play “whack-a-mole” with thoughts of what I used to do and enjoy, it’s unfortunately necessary to not focus on the old times. It’s time to think positively about ways to do things that you would never have considered in the past- like traveling with a group bus tour- someone else plans the details and help is immediately available if things go wrong and it’s easy to pace yourself. If you like the beach, an ECV makes the Boardwalk a breeze. I’ve used car services to smooth the way after flights, whatever helps you.
As far as the handwriting- try resting your forearm and elbow on the table and hold your wrist with the other hand to stabilize it, use a fatter writing implement (like a fountain pen width) or do a few wrap-arounds of electrical tape. I’m guessing you are using college-width lined paper, that will make it easier to space letters.
Everyday is a day and we just go forward and do our best!

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Replies to "Ray- I want to join the porch coffee club too! I’m in my 6th year following..."

Hello, @centre

I have to sign off in a moment as I have a project deadline breathing down on me. Please forgive me if I jump right to what you have to say about handwriting. I do use college-ruled paper and a pen (my favorite) with a fat-ish nib, a Vision Elite. I love fountain pens, too, but for the convenience of writing here, there, and everywhere around town, I prefer my Elites. You're right, too, about hand-to-paper posture. I always look for good wrist support. When my handwriting began to deteriorate years ago––years before PN––I blamed it on my letting my thoughts race ahead of my hand. I believe that's still true to a degree, but now, of course, PN is adding to the challenge of writing legibly.

Thank you for your observations! I hope we'll meet up again here in the Forum.
