gastroporesis why it wasn't diagnosed earlier

Posted by sandrasum68 @sandrasum68, Mar 1, 2016

My daughter was put on lifesupport after being given a micky in her drink by her date. After being excavated she wasn't able to eat or drink. Very weak and passing out and unable to be brought back by the sternal. Now she has a gastric pacemaker a year and a half after lifesupport. She still has incredible pain and the nightmare continues

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Welcome to Connect @sandrasum68.
As a mother of a young daughter entering her teens, your posts makes me shudder at the thought of what you're living through. Indeed a mom's nightmare. My heart goes out to both of you.

While the situations do not replicate your, I thought you might like to connect with others living with gastroparesis on this thread. Here you'll meet @kendrakay @kathy Zendner @ccosci who will hopefully join the discussion here.

I'm also tagging @navymom3 @katmandoo @dajackson100 who all have a gastric pacemaker.

Sandra, how is your daughter managing the pain? What does the day to day look like for both of you?

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